(22) Hold Me Close

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Mitsuko POV

"Aren't you going to eat onesan?"

I looked down at her, "N-No, I'm not hungry."

I smiled before patting her head and she looked at me with an extremely worried expression.

I smiled, "I'm fine."

In reality, I wasn't fine. I felt terrible.

I was empty inside I was only smiling in order to make her not worry about me.

She smiled and nodded and I stared at the ground as looking at her smile reminded me of another.

I immediately got up and sat in my room in a corner.

I was sick to my stomach and I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I was depressed deep inside and out.

I didn't feel like eating at all and nothing seemed like it was going to change that.

I looked down at the ground and decided that there was something I had to do urgently.

I got up slowly and got dressed as quickly as I could. My muscles ached and I knew if this attitude continued it would probably affect my mental health.

I didn't care though. It wasn't as if I could avoid it if I kept acting like this.

I gave a heavy sigh and I headed outside the door before walking towards the flower shop.

When I got there Suzuki shivered and looked at me with sad eyes mixed with a shocked reaction.

"Um...I think I should quit temporally," I said.

She stared at me and sighed, "You should go back home."

I nodded, "When I feel better can I come back?"

She nodded, "If you were anyone else I probably would say no but...your... you've proved to be a trustable employee."

I nodded and was about to walk away when I heard her say something, "Mitsuko!"

I turned around at once, "Yes?"

"I'm sorry for your loss," she said.

I nodded slowly and walked back to my house in silence. I stayed there for some time and for the first time in a while my father walked out of his room.

He wasn't as depressed as I was but he was still in a bad mood. When he saw me he walked over to me.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded.

He knew I was lying. He knew it too well.

I frowned and I looked down at the ground with sad eyes.

I got up quickly and my father stared at me, "Where are you going?" he asked.

I looked at him before getting my sandals, "Anywhere but here," I said.

It was now mid-afternoon so I decided to go for a walk and I ended up finding myself at the lake.

I looked down at the water as I looked at my reflection in the water. I felt my feelings begin to mix and then from there I felt tears going down my cheeks.

In time the sun was going down I was still crying quietly.

I wondered how long I had been crying. I couldn't stop though, the tears kept coming out of nowhere.

The sun was down and the moon was out and I knew my eyes were probably red. My stomach hurt from the crying and I couldn't seem to bring myself to get up and move.

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