(5) Moving

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Mitsuko POV

I woke up on a futon bed and I sat up almost immediately and looked around. There was a wet cloth on my head and surprisingly the first person I saw was not my father but grandma. I looked at her and smiled,"When did you get here?" I asked.

"When did you decide to faint?" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and frowned,"I don't know. I was just so shocked that we were moving that it just happened."

She smiled as she gave me a pat on the forehead.

"Yes, your moving to Konoha. Half of the village is."

I looked at her shocked,"Really?"

She nodded,"Yes," she responded.

"Half of the village?"

She took the cloth off of me and squeezed it,"It's a smart choice."

I grinned,"Well at least I'll get to be there with you."

She stopped smiling,"Actually...I'm not going..."

I looked at her with a frown,"What?"

"I can't...it'll feel bad to me."

I frowned at her as I got up,"Then let me stay with you," I said.

She laughed before giving me a glare,"They need you. Your mother's no longer here so you're taking her place how many times do I have to tell you that?"

I felt the atmosphere go cold at the mention of my mother and my grandma got up slowly,"Get well okay?"

I nodded and she closed the door.

I looked down at my hands and shivered. Mother...

I cleared my mind and looked down at my hands. If I was to move to Konoha would I have to see that man again?

I shivered. I didn't want that to happen at all.

I looked up at the ceiling and blinked. I knew I had to get up so I slowly rose to my feet and walked outside and when I did I saw my grandma playing with my sisters and my father looking at me.

"Oh, so you're awake," he said.

I nodded and he smirked,"I'm sure you want to know the details about us moving."

I leaned in closer as I listened to what he had to tell me and what he said was mostly good. We were moving in about two weeks and he told me a little about the village of Konoha and the shinobi in it. He told me some of the names of the important people in the village and I was actually enjoying the conversation until he mentioned him.

"And then there's the founders like Hashirama-san and Madara-san- "


"Yes," he said,"he's one of the important people in the village...of course when you get there you'll probably be addressing him as Madara-sama."

I gulped. I had thrown a rock at someone who was important?

Father continued to speak,"Oh, and he's one of the strongest shinobi's in the village."

I felt my face heat up. Strongest?

"Oh, and he's-"

I stopped him,"I get the picture father."

He smiled,"I can't wait to see what it's like there."

I smiled,"I'm happy your happy."

He nodded and went back to reading a scroll and I went back to shivering. I threw a rock at one of the strongest shinobi.

I blinked before feeling my forehead. If I kept thinking about this there was no doubt in my mind that I would faint again. I took a deep breath out, walked back to my room, and went to sleep.

two weeks later...

People gathered at the entrance of the village in herds. Father was right when he said half that half of us were leaving. Now that I was looking at all of us,  I was quite shocked by the number of people in this village. It was amazing that this was only half.  I felt sad. I was being forced to leave but expressing my feelings wouldn't make the situation any better would it?

We waited there for a good ten minutes until people started leaving along with there things and we did the same. I looked back once at the old village I had been in all my life before turning around and taking steps towards Konoha.


Chapter 5| Moving




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