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Madara POV

I always seemed to be thinking now. If I was talking to someone once I stopped I was still thinking and it was annoying.

The more pressure people seemed to put on me the more I seemed to ignore it and go on with my life and yet the more I ignored it the more I saw my thoughts on the Senju and my way of achieving peace being pushed back.

Other than that, there was another person who was clouding my mind with unnecessary thoughts.


I kept thinking about Mitsuko and what she had confessed to me. She had told me she liked me and something inside of me was telling me she wasn't lying.

Though I wish she was because she was stopping my train of thought with that one sentence.

It kept repeating and repeating in my mind.

I had always had no problem clearing my mind if I wanted to. I just had to think about how irritating it was and it would disappear in an instant but this was an irritating thing that couldn't fade out.

Perhaps her telling me she liked me was a curse on me as well.

I sighed before shaking my head.

She definitely had me thinking about her and the time in which she asked me if we were friends popped into my mind.

We weren't of course as I had none.

I felt no need for it.

Friends were a waste of time and hazardous to shinobi.

If you trusted even one person they could result in your death.

Despite that, I found myself at peace when I was with her. The silence between us was somewhat comforting and took my mind off paperwork and the village.

The two losses that I was working towards finishing. Although, one I had no intention of fixing.

Honestly, I thought this village was a lost cause.

It was something that I'd rather leave in the past. A pitiful excuse for peace.

It was a failure on my part and with everyone looking down on the Uchiha it seemed we would soon have the least out of everyone else.

It bothered me.

The whole thing bothered me.

With the other villages copying us in our so called "peace" I would like to destroy the current image of this peace.

I have the ability to do it and I can take it and crush it. The only one standing in my way is Hashirama.

Tobirama seems like something I can easily dispose of.

I sighed as I tried to get rid of these thoughts and when I did she popped up again.

Would she still like me if she knew my intentions. She was much to innocent to find out but if she did than would her feelings change.

Why did I care?

I rolled my eyes as I tried to get back to doing my paperwork. I felt stressed, my shirt was nowhere to be found and I was continuously running my fingers through my black hair.

It was as if her presence was with me everywhere I went stalking me.

I sighed before dropping the paperwork on the desk I was working at and getting up.

I really had no idea why I was bothered to this extent right now.

I had too much to take in at the moment but I knew resting wouldn't do me any good.

I crossed my arms and sat back in my chair and my hair covered much of my left eye. I blinked.

It was taking me too long just doing this but what else could I do.

I'd rather stay inside here where I couldn't be seen. I didn't need anyone's gaze on me.

I knew it was best to just relax today as tommorow I had quite the meeting with...him.
I couldn't seem to rest at all. I was to filled with thoughts to do that.

It bewildered me how yesterday my day was so regular and today it was so chaotic.

I heard a knock on the door and when I did I got up and put on my shirt before opening the door.


In front of me was a female servant.

"Kazou-san requests you Madara-sama."

"Why?" I asked.

"He wants your completed paperwork."

I felt my eyebrow twitch and the female servant stiffened.

"Come back in ten minutes."

She nodded and I closed the door before sitting back at my table.

I had no choice than. I had to do paperwork with no distractions if I was to get it this done.

I would have to ignore all the thoughts in my mind.

I pushed the thoughts of the meeting,peace, and Mitsuko to the back of my mind. I could think of her later.

Later when I would be with her again.


Chapter 13 | Mentality

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