(30) Where Am I?

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Mitsuko POV

I woke up in a pitch black place. I could barely see anything but I shrugged it off.

I got up before walking forward and attempting to get a candle or something but when I did there was no candles.

I stood up straight extremely shocked.

I knew my house inside and out where were the candles?

I extended my hand and tapped around but to my surprise I didn't feel anything.

I made a confused face.

I moved around to feel the walls but I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel any chairs, tables or mats.

If this was my house I would've felt something by now.

I looked around in silence and still I didn't notice anything. Maybe I wasn't in my house? Whatever was happening was giving me a dark vibe.

I thought deeply trying to remeber something but my mind was almost blank.

It was as if I had forgotten almost everything about me.

I did remember that I had something important to do today but I didn't remember what.

It had something to do with a man and a woman. Maybe my father and another person.

I shook my head. That wasn't it. I was sure of that much.

I cleared my mind immediately as I looked up at the non-existent ceiling.

The last thing I did remeber was seeing Madara's eyes and him telling me to forgive him.

Forgive him for what?

What did he do?

I looked around at the place around me in silence. Maybe I was in a dark place in the forest.

I couldn't see anything but maybe if I continued walked forward I could escape this place and get to the river.

I did just that and began to walk forward but it was as if I wasn't going anywhere.

As if I was walking in the same place.

Now, I knew for sure that this was not my house or a forest.

I looked around. Then where was I?

What was this universe because it clearly wasn't the one I was used to.

The one where the sun shined, and the moon glowed.

Here it was just...black.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I walked forward slowly but nothing seemed to be happening.

I was starting to get nervous. What was going on? This place was continuing to give me extremely dark vibes.

I wanted to go back to father and my family.

I looked down at my hands. I knew I had sisters but how many? Did I have a mother? What of grandparents?

I looked up at the pitch blackness. Why couldn't I remember everything?

Why couldn't I remember anything?

I broke out in a cold sweat and sat down in one spot as I felt my heart go cold.

What was this?

I began to think deeply about what had happened. Madara eyes looked directly at me and then this happened.

I looked around. Was this his power?

I gulped heavily before looking forward with a straight face.

Madara, what had he done?

How long would I be here?

What were his intentions?

I looked up and around.

I wanted to talk to him. He could get me out of this right?

He put me in this thing so he had to get me out of it.

I stayed in that one place in complete silence. It would probably be a couple hours until I got out of this place so I stayed here waiting for him to stop whatever this was.


Months passed.


I'm shocked. I've never been so fearful of shinobi in my life.

Only now, do I believe what my father had been telling me about shinobi and how dangerous they could be.

I had walked everywhere but this universe never ended. I never got hungry I never got sick, this place, this place was just...endless.

I was sick of going through it all.

I wanted to get out. I wanted to see my family.

I didn't know how much longer of this pitch black universe I could take before I would faint.

I looked down at my feet. Was fainting even possible?

This place made everything seem impossible.

I wanted to leave. I was tired of sitting in one place and talking to myself. I was tired of crying.


I stared at the ground. I remembered more now but only about my family.

I had no mother and my grandma and grandfather were dead although my grandma died recently.

I had two sisters who I loved.

I remembered that much and I remeber all about Madara.

How close we were in that moment and how much I knew I had feelings for him him.

I stared at the ground but quickly looked up when I saw the pitch black light fade and I was dropped on grass.

My eyebrow twitched and all of a sudden my memories came flodding back.

My wedding.

Madara had finally returned me back.

I smiled before jumping for joy and looking around but frowned immediately.

I was in a forest...but not a familiar one.

This one was more green and had a lot less trees.

I blinked a couple times before frowning. I was out of that place...but where was I now?


Chapter 30 | Where Am I




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