(45) Tobirama

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There was a silence between us before he spoke, "Mitsuko... why are you here?"

I was about to speak when I realized I had to be careful about how I responded to his question. I decided to go with the easiest thing to say.

"I don't know but Madara-sama took something very important from me can you help me get it back?"

I watched as his facial expression dropped, "I can't make any promises we have a war on our hands."

I nodded,"I understand. Please try at least."

He nodded before he extended his hand to me.

I felt my face heat up just a bit and he carried me in his arm as we began going towards the direction Madara had just been taking me away from.

Madara POV

Hashirama, huh? He had her now. I felt a smile make its way on my face.

I was going to have fun time with him, wasn't I?

I began to walk away as I stepped on the enemies I had just defeated.

The two redheads had put up a terrible fight. The raikage was decent and Onoki and the Senju girl had surprised me a bit but overall they were far too weak.

I looked up at the night sky as the smell of smoke and blood surrounded me.

This was not how things were supposed to be but since I had to do such things I had learned to find something I enjoyed about it.

Perhaps that's why I enjoyed fighting so much, I associated it with my hopes and dreams.

When fighting I had to focus on just that. There was no time to think of the past or the painful future. It was the only time I could live in the moment perhaps that's why I loved it.

I felt a slight smirk make its way on my face. Why was I feeling sentimental?

I felt all the emotion on my face fade away. I needed to link up with Obito to make things faster.

I wanted to hurry up and get Mitsuko and finish this war.

I was fighting for my goal now so I had to focus so that I could feel the sweetness and happiness later. Perhaps that's why it was so entertaining.

Mitsuko POV

I was traveling closer to the battle as Hashirama-sama hopped through the trees with me in his arms. It had been three days and to me, it seemed I wasn't his priority. Madara had got me back here in less than a day. It seemed like he was saving his strength or something.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"I'm simply a clone," he said.

I nodded before looking back down and thinking.

I wanted to go back to the hideout but I didn't mind going to see Madara it was just that it was dangerous.

We continued traveling for another hour. The sky began to get darker and soon the air smelled metallic and smoky. It was dark and there were many shinobi in the distance.

That's when I heard a very familiar voice, "A clone? "

I felt myself stiffen and I looked back from over his shoulder to see him.

White hair, red eyes, blue armor and a scowl on his face.

I immediately hid my face but it didn't take him long to notice me.

"An injured woman," he said his voice monotone.

He came around to see me and the look on his face was one of surprise and awe.

"Mitsuko," he said his eyes wide.

l immediately looked at him before looking down at the ground shyly, "Tobirama-sama, it's been a while."

He continued to stare at me" But how are you here? No one could find you in the village or anywhere. You disappeared, you don't seem like you were you reanimated."

I looked down, "I don't remember."

His eyes narrowed, "You're not telling me something," he said.

I laughed sheepishly, "You can tell, huh? I'm afraid I can't say."


I looked down at the ground trying to think of a convincible excuse. What could I say that was believable? That's when Hashirama fixed the problem for me.

"She was just kidnapped by Madara. I'm sure he did something to her. She wants me to get something from him," he said.

Tobirama nodded, "We should get to Madara as soon as possible. Let's go."


We made it to the main battlefield and I stood there as I watched the clone Hashirama headed away. I stood there in silence and the sight was slightly sickening. There were so many shinobi around us and most were injured by now.

Some were still standing but looked exhausted. I looked up to see who they were fighting against.

Madara and Obito and a gigantic monster.

I felt myself begin to shake at the sight. I was uncomfortable. Hashirama was a bit far away but Tobirama was standing right beside me.

Suddenly I felt a soft sound of something landing behind me. Someone was standing behind me.

I felt chills run down my back as I saw Tobirama's eyes narrow.

"A clone? Why are you here?"


I watched as the shinobi around us stiffened. They were nervous as their eyes were filled with fear and they were all staring at me, or rather what was behind me.

I was sweating and was forcing myself not to shake. That's when I felt something on my shoulder.

Long black hair.

I immediately felt my body relax.

He was so dramatic sometimes.

"Let's go, Mitsuko," he said.


I was about to speak when Tobirama responded.

"You won't be taking her anywhere."

I spoke this time, "Actually he will."

Tobirama seemed surprised at my words.

I sighed as I bit my lip, "How should I say this?... I guess the most important thing is that Madara kidnapped me from the village."

His expression didn't change.

"Madara ruined our wedding, Madara framed my death, Madara hates you and your brother and I think this a good time for us to part Tobirama. Thank you for everything."

Quick as a flash I felt myself being carried away. I immediately panicked as I saw Tobirama get smaller.

The wind was blowing in my face as Madara chuckled.

"Well done," Madara said.

Tobirama was about to come and get me when I felt myself being yanked so I could no longer see him.

"I don't like when you look at him," his deep voice said.

I managed to take a sneak peek over his shoulder and I watched as he frowned and his eyes were a mixture of disbelief, anger, and sadness.

I'm sorry, I thought.

I snuggled into his shoulder, "You're a clone aren't you."

"I am," he said.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To a cave where you'll be safe."

I frowned as I gripped on to him,"I wanted to be with the real you."

"In time," he said, "in time."

I rolled my eyes as I gripped on to him even harder, "I'm sorry for slapping you earlier."

"I know."


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