(6) Silent

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Mitsuko POV

Entering the village was weird. It was as if we were herds of animals.

We stood there for a while until we moved inside and all went our separate ways. I was holding my sister's hands to keep them in check but at the same time, I was looking around curiously. Never before had I been so hyped to do something.

I looked ahead at my father seeing if he would inform me off something but he was in his own world walking forward. I followed him and soon enough we were deep inside the village.

"Do you know where we're going?"

He nodded and continued going straight through the village which surprised me. Looking left and right while trying to keep up with his fast pace I saw things I usually didn't see.

For starters, there were about two times more people here then there was in the village. Some of the buildings they were building here were taller than what I was used to.

I looked ahead to see my father take a left and I saw a small house on the side. It was wooden and even though it looked tiny it seemed comfortable. I entered it and as soon as I did I laughed. Almost everything was wooden but despite that, it was quite open spaced. I wondered how bad it would be if a fire happened in this place. 

I went into the wide-spaced house and took my things and put them in the middle of the house. It was time to plan things out.

A week later...

I was settled into this place a bit more. The idea of shinobi was a little bit more relaxing for me and I had gotten to know this area of the village a bit more than before.

I'd gotten to go to some of the restaurants and things but most of all, I've gotten to learn a lot more about shinobi, there ranks, their seriousness, and their sharpness. The amount of times I've heard Hashirama-sama is enough for me to get sick of the name and the same goes for the Uchiha's.

Especially, Madara. His name is mentioned in the village a lot and despite them being quite high up in the ranks I can sense just a little tension when any shinobi are talking about the two. Perhaps I shouldn't be eavesdropping but sometimes I can't help it. It seems their worlds are in such a darker place than mine and I can't help but be fascinated and disgusted by it.

If my father knew he would've killed me by now.

I got up slowly and stretched before grabbing my sandals and walking in the dark through the village. I exited it and when I did I walked for the longest time through the forest. I wanted to go to the lake. I wondered if it was here? I was completely covered from head to toe to try to avoid getting poison ivy. The pathway I was taking was extremely dark and narrow and where it lead me was indeed a lake. The same lake with the same silhouetted figure.

I bit my bottom lip as I took a step forward. My mind wandered in circles. I didn't know how to start this but I knew I had to be formal. He was a founder and from what I'd heard he was quite cold.


There was a silence before his black hair swiftly moved to one side and he looked at me.

" Mitsuko," he said.

I stiffened,"How did you know my nam-"

"How could I forgot the name of a person who tried to take me out by throwing a rock at me," he said making me blush.

"Yeah, about that...um...I apologize...It was kind of rude."

"Kind of?" his voice asked.

"A lot," I admitted looking at my feet.

"Oh, so now that you know who I am you treat me differently?" he said making me stiffen.

He was just as they said cautious and precise.

"It was rude in general," I said.

He didn't respond he simply turned back around and stared at the water.

"Can I sit down?" I asked.

He didn't respond yet again and I just stood there waiting. He still didn't respond and I took matters into my own hands. I walked towards the lake and slowly sat down a meter away from him. I stared at him but then looked back forward.

I came here for myself. I was feeling a bit homesick and this seemed to be the only thing comforting me.

I looked at Madara before looking at the water. How was I supposed to relax when he was right there. My view on him had changed in almost an instance. His presence suddenly felt more humane and being near him wasn't so easy to ignore all of a sudden.

I stopped touching the water and looked over at him again.


He looked at me, "What?"

"Is being a shinobi of your class enjoyable?"

His facial expression softened up a bit,"What makes you ask that?"


"Not at all," he said looking up at the sky," it's tiring."

He looked away into the distance and I looked down. We sat there for some time by the lake, not speaking, communicating through silence, both caught up in our own thoughts until I broke the peace I had been in. My mind started to wander and think about my family and with that my father. I wondered how he would look if he knew I was sitting beside a shinobi, let alone Madara.

I gulped before forcing myself to get up and walk away, it was getting late anyway.


Chapter 6| Silent




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