(8) Warmth

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Mitsuko POV

"I'm surprised you can cut them so easily," I heard a voice say over my shoulder.

I looked over my shoulder and smiled when I saw Suzuki-onesan looking at me with a slight smile.

"T-Thank you," I said before trying to hide my blush. I was used to not being around other people when working. I continued to cut and arrange the different flowers in their sections. I knew from the very beginning that I would enjoy working at any flower shop but this was overly-pleasant.

I usually started working in the afternoon so that I could spend the morning with my family. I felt just a bit more responsible than before but a lot more organized.

This job seemed to keep me on my feet and kept me moving with me traveling up and down to make orders, arrange flowers, cut them, and make sure they looked their best.


I had finished working at the flower shop and I put my apron off. I closed up the shop by myself and walked outside in the cold night air as I exhaled gently. I had dirt on my shirt from dropping one of the flower pots but despite that, I had done everything I needed to, and from what Suzuki-san said I did it nicely. I found it flattering that she said such things. She was quite a nice boss.

I looked up at the sky before heading back home. When I entered it seemed everyone was not asleep. My father was staring at the ceiling and my two little sisters looked quite tired as if they had played with each other until they had become bored.

I rolled my eyes almost immediately and made them go to sleep before forcing my father to do the same. Once they were all in bed I went to the kitchen and started to drink a cup full of water.

I was restless even though I had worked for a good period of time this morning. I immediately stood up as I headed for the door and closed it gently behind me. I could feel the wind blowing on my neck and I shivered at the contact before continuing to walk forward.

I wondered if he would be there. Madara.

I walked there by myself being extremely cautious and for the first time, he actually wasn't there. I sat down by myself and looked into the distance.


I looked behind me to see Madara and I smiled.

"Madara-sama," I said.

He sat beside me as his black eyes scanned me up and down. I stared at his black long hair and looked down at my hands.

"I thought you weren't going to be here for a while."

"I changed my mind," he said, "you aren't the only one who finds this place peaceful."

I stared at him before narrowing my eyes, "I know."

He looked back forward and we sat there in silence before I heard him speak.

"Come out. There's no point in hiding."

At first, I thought he was talking to me but I quickly learned he wasn't by the time he spoke again.

"Alright then."

I saw Madara pull out a kunai and I immediately stiffened. What was going on?

I immediately began to move but stopped when I heard his voice.

"Don't," he said.

I instantly stopped moving and before I knew it I saw more kunais coming our way than I could comprehend. The ones heading Madara's way immediately got deflected and dodged but the ones coming for me just kept coming closer. The kunais traveled closer and closer until I was sure they would pierce me through. I was supposed to stay still was I supposed to break his orders? I closed my eyes and kept them shut when I felt myself lifted off the ground. After I didn't feel anything pierce me through I opened one of my eyes to see what happened and I saw a blue presence wrapped around my torso. I saw it was coming from Madara and I realized at once that it looked a little bit like a skeleton. What was this?

At this point, I was extremely scared. What was happening?

I could feel sweat beginning to drip down my face and I could feel myself shaking but to my surprise, the blue presence disappeared all at once dropping me on my feet.

Madara walked back to the lake and sat down. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"They left."

I looked at him, "Why?"

He didn't respond and I sighed.

"Shouldn't we go report this to.."

"No," he said cutting me off," Hashirama will know if they come anywhere near Konoha. He can handle it himself without you going anywhere."

I looked at him and back down but my eyes immediately regretted looking down. I shivered and squealed and I felt as if my body was paralyzed. There was a dead body in the lake. I felt tears come to my eyes as I stared at it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Let's go."

I knew Madara was talking to me but I couldn't stop staring at it.

I saw a hand in front of my eyes blocking my vision and I used the opportunity to get up. I managed to look away from it and I was immediately yanked forward.

Madara was leading me away from the river and I stared at his hand as he led me straight through the forest.

The warmth of it was comforting. I felt a blush make its way on my face.

Why was I enjoying this so much?



"Does this mean we're friends."

There was a silence and he didn't answer.

I giggled, "Alright, I'll take that a yes then."


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