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Mitsuko POV

Time passed with us being in the cave and things started to get a little strange. The clone Madara seemed to be losing a lot of strength. He seemed to not move a lot and he just sat in one place. I couldn't help but notice the change.

I told myself to ignore it but as time went on I felt uncomfortable. I wondered if something had happened to the real Madara. I questioned his well being and I wondered if he was hurt.

It was one particular day that I came out of my room that I couldn't find the clone Madara at all. He wasn't where he usually was.

I immediately went around searching.


I turned the corner looking for him.

"Madara where are you?"

I looked around desperately but I couldn't find him, that was until finally, I saw a clump of wood lying on the floor.

I felt my heart skip a beat. What had happened? Had the jutsu been undone?

I walked closer to it as I felt myself begin to panic.

I covered my mouth in shock as I stared down at it. The worst possibilities began to swirl around in my mind and I stiffened.

There was no way the real Madara was dead right? That wasn't possible, right?

I immediately bit my lip and thought of what to do.

I walked back and forth pacing myself as I forced myself to breathe.

I looked up at the cave ceiling and swallowed hard.

There was no doubt about it, I was getting out of this cave right now. There was no way I was gonna stay here any longer because I needed to know if Madara was okay. If Madara truly was dead I didn't know what I would do. I shivered at the sudden thought but avoided freaking out until it was confirmed. Still, I couldn't seem to calm my uneasy heart. 

I looked over at the cave entrance before walking calmly towards it. I looked at the grand rock that sealed off the cave's entrance with sad eyes. There was no way I would be able to open the cave entrance by pushing on the rock. I was nowhere near strong enough to do that.

I thought back to how simple Madara had made it look when he pushed it into place. I stood there bewildered as my brain yet again, processed just how strong Madara was. 

I cleared my mind as I thought of different ways to get out.  I tapped my finger on my chin curiously as I forced myself to think.

I finally got an idea and I headed towards the weapons room.

Paper bombs.

I knew we had some somewhere.

I searched around for some and it didn't take long for me to find them.

I looked at them cautiously. I didn't want to get hurt but at the same time, I had no intention of cowering in fear.

I grabbed the box of them and a lighter before heading to the front of the cave.

I pressed the paper bombs firmly on the boulder and stood very far away before throwing the lighter in that direction.

I was immediately met with a strong gust of wind and a huge explosion. 

I looked up as I coughed from the smoke and made my way out of the cave slowly.

I took in a deep breath of fresh air.

I felt the wind blow against my back and I shivered.

I was outside again after who knows how long.

I wanted to feel happy, but I couldn't. I was too worried to feel any type of happiness. I had no idea where I was going but I knew if I kept walking I would find something.

It didn't take long for me to begin feeling nervous. I was a lot less cautious when I had escaped the hideout last time. I had never seen shinobi in battle. However, ever since I saw Madara go up against that giant army alone I realized that I was really weak.

I had taken the lighter with me. I don't know what I would use it for but maybe it would come in handy in extreme cases.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when, suddenly, something dropped from the sky.

There was a gust of wind as and I covered my face for cover.

After the smoke cleared, I saw something strange.

I felt myself stiffen.

There was a person standing in front of me in silence. He was wearing a white cloak. He had long white hair and a presence that seemed to demand attention. He was staring right at me but he didn't say a word.

He looked exactly like Madara.

I blinked a couple of times as I examined him closely. 

I was sure of it now. There was no way this wasn't Madara.

I spoke, "It is you....right?"

I watched as he looked at me curiously not speaking for a second before he began to approach me.

His purple ringed eyes looked straight at me, "Did you not know it was me?"

I felt my body relax at the sound of the man's voice. It was Madara. There was no doubt about it.

I heard him speak, "Enough talk Mitsuko," he said, "I have something to show you."

He grabbed my arm and lifted me so he was carrying me. He then began to float out of nowhere.

I watched as he began to soar through the air at a shocking speed.

I looked at him curiously. This was so strange. He was so strange.

I wondered what had happened to him.


A/N: It's time to finally finish this story ♥

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