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Mitsuko POV

One more day. I only had one more day until I would be married. It was a scary feeling and thought.

I felt uneasy and extremly sad.

Thinking about it only made me feel more terrible.

I had decided to keep myself shut today. I wanted to relax for the last day before I was married to Tobirama.

It was my last day as a single woman.

I got up slowly as I thought of something I could do today. Finally it clicked and I suddenly felt like I owed it to myself to do it. I got up on my feet and walked outside the door before approaching my sandals and putting them on.

"Father I'm going out!"

There was a silence before my father walked out and around the corner.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

I gave a small smile,"I'm going to go visit grandma's grave."

He stared at me for some time before nodding and I headed out the door.

I walked outside and got out some loose change as I walked over to the flower shop.

I wasn't working today so doing this was probably strange but at this point I didn't care.

I needed flowers. I refused to go there empty handed.

I stood there waiting for Suzuki and when she finally came out front she looled at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, Mitsuko," she said,"what are you doing here?"

I looked up at her,"I need to buy some flowers," I said.

"What type of flowers," she asked.

I looked down at the ground before looking back up at her.

"Daffodils," I said.

They were her favourite flowers after all.

She nodded before getting them and looking up at me.

"How are these ones?" she asked.

"Beautiful," I said.

I attempted to pay her but as soon as I did she looked at me with disgust.

"No, I can't take money from you," she said.

I nodded slowly before saying a quiet thank you.

I walked away from the flower shop and into the village. I looked around at everything in silence as I walked into an open field. There were multiple graves here but I was going to only one.

One that was surronded by flowers. Just like my grandma's cottage.

I put the flowers at the grave as I looked down at it with sad eyes.

"I'm getting married," I said to no one in particular.

I gave a heavy sigh out as I stared at the grave in silence.

She always told me how happy she was with grandfather, would I be happy also?

I smiled before patting the daffodils and leaving there.

I got up slowly before looking up at the sky.


I turned around to see my father.

He looked at me before walking over to grandma's grave.

There was a silence between us and I looked at him with sad eyes.

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