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Madara POV

I looked at the son of a higher up in the Uchiha clan looking up at me.

Who let him in my office?

"The Senju's second in command is getting married."

Tobirama? At least now he would be tied down for a while.

This was slightly good news.

I looked at the small boy,"And what does this have to do with me, Kentin?" I said as I continued reading my paperwork.

He shrugged,"I don't know. People are just talking about it."

I stared down at the six year old with annoyed eyes,"You really should leave."

He nodded before going towards the door,"She's not even that important," he said,"her name is Mitsuk-"

He was cut off by the sound of the door closing and I looked at the door with wide eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.


I immediately shook my head. It was probably not her it was unlikely. It couldn't be her. Why would she be getting married to Tobirama?

My thoughts wandered. It must have been someone else.

I cleared my head before continuing to write down on the paper but for some reason I was still feeling uneasy.

What was this uneasiness?

Mitsuko POV

Tobirama ended up walking me home and I ended up realizing he was...nice.

We watched the fireflies come out and when I got home my father immediately made me go to bed.

So today, when I woke up and took a single step outside my father was waiting for me.

"How was it?" he asked excitingly.

"Good," I replied simply.

He hugged me and I hugged him back. It had been a long time since I had seen him this happy. I wish I could tell him I wasn't happy but I couldn't bring myself to.

I kept reminding myself about how Madara seemed to be able to do everything for his clan and family and how I should be more like that.

I gave a heavy breath out and headed towards the living room to get on my apron so I had could go to the shop.

I put it on and said goodbye to my father before walking there.

Once I was there I said hello to Suzuki.

She responded with a small hi before her face lit up,"You never told me you were marrying Tobirama-sama."

My eyes widened and I felt my face light up.

"H-How did you-"

She rolled her eyes,"Everyone knows," she said.

She nodded,"Everyone. I'm not sure how you managed to get engaged to him but...good job."

She was about to open the shop when I stopped her.

"Are you really serious?"

She laughed,"Of course."

She smiled at me,"You should work up front with the customers. Maybe this will make me have more customers."

I gulped but agreed to and as soon as she did a person came up to me and began to ask for a order of roses.

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