Knight of Converse - Chapter eleven

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A/N: Sorry for the late update! College has me so busy that I'm up posting this in the middle of the night! It's not amazing, I'm sorry. But it's something to occupy you wonderful fans! Please just enjoy it! I love and appreciate you all! Thanks for being patient. Also, I haven't proof read. There might be mistakes. But I'm so tired, I'll do it another time!

I'd also like to Dedicate this chapter to all my wonderful fans! I just picked one of the bunch, but really it is all of you. Thank you for being so supportive and encouraging.

~ Sara

Knight of Converse

Chapter eleven

“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.” I cooed at a cute Duran, who was lying asleep in his double bed, wrapped in a cocoon of bed sheets and clothes.

Were those the ones I folded?!

“Mmm…” He groaned, and blew out a breath, sending the soft lock of black hair that was in front of his eyes, up into the air. Even in sleep he looked perfect, it was almost surreal. How was it fair that someone could possibly look that good when sleeping? A difference though, was that he looked much more innocent and cute when he was asleep. You’d never know what hit you when you faced the annoying, temperamental and stubborn weirdo that he really was.

“Hey!” I exclaimed, glaring down at him. “Are those the clothes I folded for you?!”

“Begone!” He groaned again. “Before I throttle you, and strike you with the hilt of Excalibur!”

“How exactly are you going to do that when he’s lying peacefully in my car boot?” I retorted. “Get up you lazy git!” He turned onto his front, and grabbed his pillow to place over his head. How rude!

“You wretched scoundrel. ‘Tis not yet dawn! Leave me be!”

“It’s seven am!”

“Goddammit, send for my servants to do your bidding.” He muffled as he drifted back to sleep.

“Wake up! We’re gonna be late for school!”

“I absolutely refuse.”

“You don’t have a choice you idiot!” I hissed at him.

“Let me alone.”

“I swear to God I will open those curtains!”

“Mmmf…” Came the stifled reply. Ugh!

“Duran!” I shouted as I ran over to the window to rip open the curtains. I stomped back over to his bedside and started pulling at his hair.

“Ah!” He hissed in pain, but still refused to wake up.

That’s it. I had no other choice.

I grabbed the top of his duvet and ripped it down.

“Shit!” Duran hooted out loud. “Witch!”

I couldn’t yet decide whether pulling his Duvet off was a good idea or not, as right before my very eyes, rested the most perfect ass I had ever seen on a guy. It was beautiful. A work of art. An ass that only an artist could have carved. I stood there staring, mouth agape, and tilted my head to the side to admire this ass at another angle. It was perfectly round, and taut. Even better than the ass of an athlete. He truly was in league with the Gods.

The urge to spank it was strong.

His back was muscled and strong, his hips narrow and arm and legs powerful with muscle—not too much, but the most perfect amount. He was unbelievably toned and dear God, from the back he looked like a warrior. A leader—a King. Only a person who fiercely worked out and did some sort of powerful activity could be that fit. There was a long faded scar running down from his left shoulder to the edge of his spine, shaped like a lightning bolt. Other small, very faint scars were littered around his body; most probably attained from battle.

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