Knight of Converse - Chapter twenty one

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A/N: I'M BACK! And the next chapter shall be coming tomorrow! I really hope that you enjoy this, and don't hate me too much. But this was always the plan! And so it must be done... Apologies for the hiaitus! But do vote if you enjoy it, and most importantly, comment and let me know what you feel!

Knight of Converse

Chapter Twenty-one

I blinked, and we were in my room. A strong wave of disorientation hit me and I stumbled, tripping over a pillow and falling flat onto my face. After a moment, I got up and turned around to see the dark haired girl watching me intently. For a split second, I questioned whether this was all real, and whether we had actually just teleported; but then I remembered that I was a witch, and that I was trying to open up a portal through space and time. By now, nothing should really take me too much by surprise.

“What is this place?” she asked, not even enquiring whether I was alright. Brilliant display of British etiquette.

“This is my room. How did you know to take us straight here?”

“I didn’t.”

“So…can you explain how you just teleported us?”

The girl sighed, and ran a hand through her short hair like a nervous twitch. She stood rigid, but seemed so sure of herself, despite the fact that I knew she probably wasn’t. “I haven’t really gotten a hang of it. I guess I felt that’s where you really wanted to be, or something like that. This is the first time I’ve been able to… teleport…” she struggled to say the word as though she hadn’t fully understood that she could, “on will.”

“Wow… that’s pretty rad.”

“You’re fairly calm for a person who was almost killed. I wish I had as much composure in the beginning.”

I blanched, remembering everything that had just happened. She was right, I was strangely calm. “In the beginning of what?”

She turned to look outside the window. “Of everything.”

It was obvious that she wasn’t going to elaborate. But that didn’t stop me from wanting to ask. I held my tongue though. I had a feeling that she was the type that would disappear from your very eyes if you pushed too hard. There was an air of mystery about her that I was dying to infiltrate. I just didn’t know the right words, or even where to start.

“Who are you?” I asked her.

She tore her eyes away from the night sky. “Gen. Genesis Theodore.”

I snorted a little. “Genesis, like the first book of the bible?”

Her smile - if you could even call it that - was daunting. I raised an eyebrow before she spoke. “You don’t believe in God?”

“I do. I guess. I mean, there’s got to be something else, hasn’t there? Something more than you and me, more than all of this.”

“Maybe you’re not as naïve as I thought.” she stated more to herself than me.

“I’m not naïve at all!”  

“You’re defensive, too.”

“And you’re cryptic as hell. You know what I am, why don’t you tell me what you are?”  

Her eyes darkened and glared at me piercingly. I tried my best to stifle a gasp at how scary she looked. “That is none of your concern so back off about it.”

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