Knight of Converse - Chapter ten

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A/N: I want to apologise for the late update, it's getting really hard to update as frequently as before because of College and all the works I have to do. Please forgive me. I want to dedicate the chapter to BecauseICanDoThat because of her comment about me having school and understanding that I had a lot of work to do. That just really made me feel better. Though I still love you all, don't worry, haha. Please, vote and comment telling me what you think more than anything!

Lastly, I'd like to remind you that Knight of Converse is in the Special Awards for Funniest Character. Please support KoC by voting! ;)

Okay, I'll shut up now. Enjoy!

Knight of Converse

Chapter ten

The end was nigh.

Well not the end of the world exactly, but the end of the day, which meant that not too long from now Duran would officially be meeting my parents. I wasn’t going to lie; I was absolutely terrified. I kept going over crazy scenarios in my head, which all ended in me blurting out that I had first met Duran after he had killed a so called demon.

It was sad to say that I could easily see myself strapped to a chair in a white padded room.

We had left Misty’s about twenty minutes ago, and I had called home to notify them of Duran’s arrival. I made up the whole backstory of how his plane had landed but I had underestimated the timing, so I went to pick him up, yada yada yada. It was all clear. So now we were parked at the end of an abandoned area near one entrance of the woods, where there were no streetlights. It was almost sunset. We were—well I was, neatly packing all of the clothes and necessities that we had purchased today into a new suitcase.

I really shouldn’t have been surprised that he couldn’t even fold his own underwear.

“Honesty Duran, for a twenty-two year old you’re pretty incapable.”

“I’ll have you know that I am very skilled in other things. Things that matter.” He’d gotten really good at mimicking modern speech must faster than I had initially anticipated.  At least I didn’t have to worry about him talking like a damn fool.

“Uh-uh, like what?” I was leaning over the suitcase that was placed in the boot of my car. Duran wanted to say goodbye to Excalibur his stupid sword before it took up residence in the back of my car for Duran’s entire stay here.

“Like,” In a fighting stance, he did a cool move with the sword, the muscles in his arms flexed and rippled. “Being able to control a sword.”

“Because that’s sooo important.”

“It is. In my day and age and in this one.” He looked so controlled as he swiftly yielded the sword with skill and precision.

“Any why is that?” I scoffed. “Because it looks cool?”

His blue eyes blazed with power. He balanced the sword in the palm of his right hand. The strong muscles contracted and pulsed as he threw it up in the air, turned around and caught the hilt behind his back. That was hot. “To truly master a sword takes much more than skill. It requires patience and strength.” He held the sword at the tip of the hilt with one hand and balanced it at a one-hundred and eighty degree angle straight ahead of him. He was still. There was not once single twitch in his arm, just a bulge of muscle.

He held it for another minute before bringing his other hand to take the hilt and lifting it to his face. He stared at it and inhaled. “It takes,” He spun around faster than my eyes could follow, swinging the sword around his back and piercing the air precisely. “Speed, swiftness and precision.”

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