Chapter 23

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He pulls me in for another hug with wide eyes, "HE DID WHAT?!" He whisper-yells.

The curtain is flicked open once again and Alli's head pops in. Seeing my face, her confused face turns into a worried one. She takes the spot on the other side of me, opposite of Jake.

She also pulls me in for a side hug as Jake explains what happened.

"Shut. Up. He did not?!" Alli's eyes flame up.

She looks at back at me with a determined face.

"You know what this means, right?"

I give her a confused look as I wipe away the tears which had stopped flowing. I cried so much, that no tears were left.

"Operation 'Make Cody Jealous'."

Ch 23:

At the concert venue in Memphi, Tennesee, Alli and I were walking around trying to find someone to help us in Alli's plan.

"Him?" Alli points to some guy.

I pull a grossed out face, "Um, he's like thirty years older than me.."

She points to one of the backstage assistants, "How 'bout that guy?"

I shake my head, "Still to old, he's like twenty."

Alli points again, "I know! It's him for sure, right?"

Giving her a creeped out face, I reply, "That's your little brother."

She mutters something along the lines of, "So picky.."

We continue to walk in silence, and Alli seemed to have lost intrest. It wasn't until another two minutes that the silence was broken.

Alli's eyes widen and her face breaks out into a huge smile, "Him."

Looking over to where she pointed, I see a major hottie. He was tall, about 5'12, with tan skin and dark brown hair that was short. and spiked up in the front. You could tell he was in shape and had a fit body.

Grabbing my hand, Alli starts tugging me over towards him. He stops tying his shoelace as he looks up at us.

He had these light blue eyes that stood out because of his dark complextion.

"Can I help you, ladies?" His deep voice asked us. I mean, he was hot and all, but I still couldn't help but compare him to Cody.

Alli nods her head and looks at me before continuing, "Yes, actually, you can. What's your name?"

He stands up straight and smiles at us, showing his straight, white teeth, "Devin. I'm one of Cody's back up dancers. What brings Alli Simpson and Arianna Raldem to this side of the arena?"

I smile at him, "Well, we have a favor to ask you."

Devin raises an eyebrow at me, "Won't your boyfriend get mad?"

Trying to hide my flinch, Alli answers for me, "They've broken up because of something that Cody did.. And we need your help to.. give hime some payback."

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