Chapter 15

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"Uh, ouch! What was that for?" I groan while rubbing the side of my head.

She glared at me and wacked me again, "Seriously? 'All I did was tell her I was going on tour'," She mimicks my voice before going back to her own, "That why! You told her that you were going on tour. How else would she react? You guys just started dating yesterday and now you drop the bomb that you'll be gone for like three months! I'd flip, too."

It all starts clicking in my head, "Wait, that's why?"

"Duh!" Alli yells at me.

I roll my eyes at her.

"But, I do have a way that you're relationship can definitely work out." She smiles mischievously at me.

Ch 15:

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Ta--

Cody reaches his hand over and puts it on mine, causing me to stop the tapping noise. He smiled at me, trying to ease my nerves. I gave him a small smile back before turning to look towards the receptionist, and bit my lip, a nervous habit.

Scooter Braun was going to call us in at any moment. I had to be prepared. I invited Brooke and Lindsey over last night so that we write a song, and made sure that we had all the lyrics memorized and all the music timings perfect.

By the time I stepped into the car to get to the studio, I was nervous. My mother always told me that I worried about everything, but how could I not worry over this? My performance today will determine my future.

"You'll be fine! Don't sweat it. Just be yourself." Cody leans over and whispers in my ear, putting his arm around my shoulder in the process.

I nod my head slightly, "Right, right. Just be myself..."

It felt like we've been sitting here for hours, when in reality, it's only been about ten minutes. During these ten minutes, I've just been going over all the scenarios that could happen. What if he doesn't like me? What if he does? What if he tells me that I'm terrible and he never wants to hear or see me again? Is Scooter Braun trying to make me more nervous by making me wait this long? Geez..

Suddenly, we all turn towards the doorway that leads into a hallway, and see a girl come running out, crying. Her sobs filled the air, everyone just watched. The receptionist didn't even spare her a glance, she just rolled her eyes.

"Happens all the time.." She mumbled, but loud enough for us to hear. My eyes widen as my heartbeat quickens.

All the time? I think to myself.

"Ms. Raldem, Ms. Jansky, and Ms. Tassone? Mr. Braun is now ready for you." The receptionist called out, pointing towards the hallway that we near her desk.

I slowly start to get up off of the black couch, and I grab onto Cody's hand. Cody pulls me towards the hallway that the girl exited from, with Brooke and Lindsey following closely behind me.

Cody pulls me to a stop in front of a big, grey door about half-way down the hallway. He turns to look at us.

"You guys totally got this. I know you guys can do it." He smiles before pulling all of us into a big group hug. I take a big breathe before pulling open the door. I let Brooke and Lindsey in first.

I turn to look at Cody, give him a smirk and a wink, before closing the door behind me. I barely catch his laugh before the door slams shut. I take another deep breathe and turn around, putting the biggest smile on my face that I can muster.

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