Chapter 13

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We all turn towards the sound of the yelling, which was behind Arianna. She looks back with a sad expression on her face. Giving us one more hug, Sean and her start to turn away. Alli and I watch as they make there way to their car.

Sean slids in and Arianna is about to get in, before she turns and looks back at us. She smiles as our eyes connect. I smile back and give her a small wave, which is returned moments later.

She turns back around and closes the door behind her. Her car pulls out and zooms away from the cruise.

All I could think about was how I needed to make a move, and quick, before any other guy grabs her attention. My plan was going great so far, and I can't wait till I get to phase two. Arianna doesn't even know what she's got coming for her.

Ch 13:

Arianna's P.O.V.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!" Brooke's voice screams out, quoting "Mean Girls".

Laughing, I walk to the black Range Rover and jump into the back seat, next to Lindsey.

Before I can even put my seat belt on, I'm attacked by Lindsey who pulls me into a side hug. "I missed you! A week was so long. Don't leave me with this girl alone, again." She points to Brooke who was in the front seat next to her mom.

"Hey! I'm not that bad." Brooke sticks her tongue out at Lins and turns to look at me again.

I laugh at her immature behavior and say, "Well, I have a lot to fill you in on." They both nod, very excited to hear about my adventures on the cruise.

As we pull into the mall parking lot, I text my dad telling him that I was at the mall now. As soon as Mrs. Jansky stopped the car, we jumped out.

As I turned, I yelled, "Thanks Mrs. Jansky!"

"Yeah, thanks!" Lindsey screamed right after me.

"Bye Mom!" With that, we were off to the food court. We always ate at the food court before shopping, especially since I had to fill them in.

After receiving our meal at Great Khan's Mongolian Food, which had delicious food, we claimed a small table in the middle of the food court. Before I can even take a bite of the deliciousness that was before me, my friends decided it would be a good time for me to talk.

"So, explain everything." Brooke put extra emphasis on "everything".

Lindsey added, "All the details, too!"

I sighed, but gave into the pleading looks, "Alright, alright. Well after I had checked out my room, I went up to the sky deck and ordered a smoothie. Of course, being me, I slipped and spilled it on Alli Simpson..."

Brooke and Lindsey laughed and added comments throughout my story. They gasped at the part where I admitted I had feelings for Cody, and giggled when I mentioned the creepy smile he had given me. I was out of breathe by the time they finished, and went to eat my, now cold, meal.

As I was eating, they shared a look before turning towards me.

Lindsey was the first to speak, "Cody so likes you." I roll my eyes at her as Brooke nods, agreeing with Lins.

"All the signs are there!" Brooke exclaims, "The flirting, almost kiss, the smile, the goodbye hug.."

I gasped, "I totally forgot to tell you guys! As I was leaving, Cody gave me four front row tickets and backstage passes to his concert which is tomorrow!"

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