Chapter 1

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Ch 1:

I woke up with the feeling of the suns hot rays on my sun kissed skin. I curse under my breath because of the brightness coming out of my window. I groggily rub my eyes and throw off my fuzzy white blanket. I move my legs off of my bed so I'm in a sitting position and I scan my room.

It was beach themed, with white wood that goes about a quarter up my wall and then there is a pretty ocean blue-green color. The floor is dark brown hard wood. I had a white door which led to a huge walk in closet, which was filled with clothes, and next to another white door that leads to my bathroom. On the wall next to the two doors is my white vanity which held my makeup, like from Sephora and Mac. Above my vanity was a big mirror and next to that, were some photos of me and my friends and the beach. Leaning on my vanity was my guitar.

I finally get off of my queen size bed.  It had a blue-green comforter with a fluffy blanket underneath with my sheets. It had decorative pillows with colors of white, blue, and green, which we currently sitting next to my bed. On either side of my bed I had a white nightstand, which had green lamps and a blue butterfly shape sculptor.

Above my bed was letters that said "You only live once." (YOLO) Around the quote were twinkly lights, so when I go to sleep they sparkle and twinkle. And on my last wall, was my keyboard, my full length mirror which was outlined with pictures of some photos I took me and my friends, and bookshelf, which was filled with all kinds of books.

 I walk over to my full length mirror and look over myself. I have sun kissed skin, since I live in California, super long brown hair that shows a bit of red when in the sunlight, and goes down almost to my belly button. I have naturally straight hair, which I was really lucky to get from my mom. I also had huge emerald green eyes, which looked good with my complexion. I had a couple of freckles sprinkled across my nose and the top of my rosy cheeks. I was about 5'7, tall for a 14 year old girl.

Moving towards my calendar, I mark off the date, July 12th. Only three more days till my 15th birthday! I glance to the left of my calendar to see a picture of my mother and father. They’ve been divorced since I was seven. I also have a step mom, a step brother who's four, his name is Luca and another step brother who's also 15 named Sean.

Slowly, I walk to the bathroom and turn the water on hot and got ready to go in. I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair with my favorite vanilla scented hair products and shaved my legs. I then turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my head and wrapped another around my body. I lotion my legs and my elbows and walked over to my closet.

I pulled on my underwear and started scrimmaging around, trying to decide what to wear. I finally picked out a pair of white short shorts, a midriff light blue shirt that had a see through black heart on it with a white belly top underneath. I put on black ankle socks and my black Chuck Taylor high tops.

I go over to the bathroom and brush my teeth and I go over to my vanity table and start putting on my makeup. I don't need cover up or foundation because I am fortunate enough to not have zits. I put on some red blush, just a bit because my cheeks are already rosy, and some light eyeliner and black mascara to make my eyes pop.  

"Arianna!" I hear a deep voice yell downstairs. "Arianna Rose Raldem, get your butt down here!" I hear a few moments later.

"Yeah, Dad?" I scream back. "We're leaving. Let's go."

I totally forgot that today was the day I was going on the Disney Cruz with my dad, my step-mom, Gina, and Sean. Luca is staying at his dad's house because we don't want to have to watch him the whole time. He's a bit of a drama queen..

I quickly grab my two suitcases and I threw my makeup bag, my tooth brush, and my Rihanna perfume, which I just sprayed on, inside my suitcase that has all my shoes, accessories, and toiletries in it. I attempted to bring the suitcases down the carpeted stairs. Let's just say it didn't go so well. By the time my dad decided he should come and help me, I was already sprawled out on the floor with the heavy suitcases on me in the middle of the stairs.

He helps me up and picks them both up with ease. He starts walking down stair as I go back to my room I grab my iPhone and my laptop case that has my Mac in it. I do a double check and bound down the stairs and into our grey Range-rover.

My dad works as a chef in one of the most famous restaurants in Los Anglos. Gina works for Apple to help design new products.

As we pull out of our garage, I take out my blue Dre Beats and plug them into my iPhone4s and put on Cody Simpson. I was definitely a fan of Cody, but nothing to crazy. I go to twitter and follow and few people and reply back to some mentions. I then check my Facebook and update my status to "On my way to the Disney Cruise! Should be fun(:" and like and comment on some people's stuff. I don't bother checking my notifications because I already know I got a few likes.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and look up from my phone to Sean. He was tall, about 5'11 and had short golden hair that was spiked up at the front. He had pretty brown eyes that have specks of gold in them. Some of my friends told me he was hot, but I could never think of him in that way. He's my brother.

"You excited?" he asked me. "Oh yeah! This is gonna be so awesome." I reply back with a smile slowly spreading on my face, showing my straight white teeth. "I know right. And they have a buffet that's open all day! How cool is that?"

 "So cool!" I answer back sarcastically. He just chuckles and shakes his head. I got back to my music wait till we get there.


I instantly get a whiff of salt water and sea weed, before I can even see the beach. I start humming to Round of Applause by Cody Simpson when I finally see the ship. It's a huge Cruz ship that said Disney on the side. It was humongous! On the side you could see ramps leading up to the top of the boat where the deck was and people were already boarding.

It was a gorgeous day, clear blue sky with no cloud in sight. The water was beautiful and calm.

My dad calls me over and we start unpacking our luggage out of the car to get on the boat. Once we all have our stuff, we start heading to check in. Once we do that, we start boarding the ship. We enter a lobby sort of place with a front desk and some beige and brown couches and chairs. There was a piano in the corner and a couple TVs on the walls.

As my dad gets our room keys, I remember all the places that were on the website. Game rooms, pools, spas, basketball court, lounge rooms, ect. and activities like bungee jumping, scuba diving, zip lining, and more! This place was definitely going to be fun.

Once we get our room keys, we start heading to our room on the first level. We go into an elevator until we reach a big hallway. We walk down a bit until we stop at a door. We open it up and there are two bedrooms and a little kitchen which had a fridge, stove, and microwave. One goes to my dad and Gina's room which is a donald duck room and the one for me and Sean is a Goofy room. There are two queen size beds with nightstands and a desk in the corner and a closet and a bathroom. I start to unpack a little and decide I want to go and explore.

I walk out of the room and go up to the sky deck. Some family's were still checking in so I decide to go get a smoothie. I walk over to a little snack shack and take out the twenty my dad gave me in the car for today. I buy myself a watermelon and kiwi smoothie.

I sip on it as I walk past a Mickey Mouse shaped pool and slip on a bit of water causing my smoothie to go flying forward. I hear a huge splash and look up at a girl that looks like a year younger than me, drenched in my smoothie.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry. Are you okay?" I quickly babble till I feel a cold sensation come over my head. She grabbed someone's smoothie who was walking by and threw it all over my head. We stare at each other for a moment. Then suddenly, we both start bursting out laughing. Tears were coming out of our eyes and we couldn't stop laughing. People were starting to stare and give us weird looks.

Finally, after a couple minutes, we mellowed down a bit.

"I think this is a start of a very good friendship." The girl says in a very thick Australian accent. I laugh and reply "I'm Arianna, by the way." She answers "Hey, I'm Alli Simpson."

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