Chapter 19

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Finally, after what seemed to be hours in the burning sun, my ten minutes was up. I look over and see Cody standing there in shorts and a tee, watching me. My face instantly turns into a tomato.

Cursing my blushing in my head, I walk over towards him.

"You're a natural!" Cody exclaims in a girly voice.

I laugh, "I totally strutted my stuff." We both burst out laughing.

He grins, "So are you excited for the concert tonight? You're very first!" I smile and nod.

"I'm so excited and super nervous."

He hugs me, "You'll be fine."

I smile at him before Rachel came over and started pulling me away from Cody, telling me that I have to get dressed and take off my make up.

"You look beautiful by the way!" I hear Cody call after me as I'm dragged towards the tent.

Ch 19:

"Can I please?"



"Because I said no."

"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Randy, our security gaurd, rolled his eyes and glared at me. I held up my puppy dog face, begging him to let me go. His glare only intensifyed.

"You're no fun." I huff, which causes him to roll his eyes once again.

I scowl at him, "You know, if you keep doing that, your eyes will get stuck." Defeated, I slump and turn around. I hear him chuckle as I walk back to my dressing room.

I mumble under my breath, and Lindsey laughs, "Still trying to get out and see the fans?"

"Still getting your hair done?" I mock her. Smiling at both of the girls, I sit down on the black couch and grab a water bottle. Taking a swig, I think of ways to get out.

It's not like I want to go rob a bank, I just want to go out and see the Simpsonizers that have been here all day, since four in the morning. I know the feeling of just waiting there for hours, hoping to get one glance at the Aussie boy.

Suddenly, an idea sparked.

Lindsey gives me a hesitant look, "I know that face. What are you up to now?"

I grin at her, "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom and visit Cody. Be back later!" I jump up and race out of the room hearing Lindsey yell to me about being back in half an hour.

Maneuvering my way down the hallway, I managed not to be stopped by anyone. I reach the back door, and open it, looking around to make sure no one saw me first. I reached into my black shorts pockets, to make sure that the two backstage passes were there.

No one was allowed at the back entrance, so I slowly made my way around the building of the House of Blues. As soon as I make it around the corner, I can see tons of girls all in a line. I remember the days that I was just like them, a fan, counting down the minutes until I could see my favorite singer. And two girls will get that dream today.

"Oh my gosh! It's Arianna Raldem!" I hear some girl scream from the crowd. All eyes turn towards me as I make my way closer to the girls. Some scream, others yelling how they love me and Cody.

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