Chapter 16

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Alli said something that sparked my intrest, "So, are we going to the premiere tonight?"

"What premiere?" I hear Brooke ask.

Alli responds, "The movie premiere for Brave. We should all go!" Everyone around the table agrees.

Maddy says, "Okay, so since we have a few hours before the premiere, we need to get some dresses. So after lunch, we'll go shopping then head back to my place to get ready. Sound good?"

"Yeah buddy!"

"Sounds good."

"First premiere, here we come!"


With that, we finish lunch and head out to hit the shops.

Ch 16:

Thank goodness I have natural pin straight hair! If I had to do my hair, too, we'd definitely be late. I touched up Alli's big curls while Madison put on the last of her make-up, lip stick. I placed the curling iron down on the mat in Maddy's bathroom before turning around to see the other girls slipping on their heels.

Brooke admired herself in the mirror while Lindsey tugged at the bottom of her light purple dress, trying to make it past her mid-thigh. I laughed, same old Lindsey.

"Okay guys, we have to leave in five minutes!" Alli tells us, checking her phone before sliding her feet into her black three inch heels, which go perfectly with her white lace dress. My eyes widen as I look around the room realizing that everyone was ready but me.

I scrambled looking for my dress. I checked the bag, the bed, everywhere in the green and yellow decorated room.

"I-I can't find my dress." I panicked. This was not happening. I was going to be late to my first movie premiere! Brooke mumbles something as everyone starts rummaging through the room.

After about a good three minutes of tearing the room apart, Lindsey runs into the bathroom before running back with a dress in her hands, "Found it!"

"Oh my gosh, I love you so much!" I exclaim as I jump up and grab the dress before quickly trying to put it on.

Alli reads a text message before telling us, "The limo's here. We have to go!"

I start cursing under my breathe as I finally slip the white, high-low dress on, which had clear buttons from top to bottom in the front. It also had white, tribal-like print on it, that wasn't noticeable unless you were up close. I grab the big brown belt from my bag and fasten it on in the middle of my stomach. The dress stopped about mid-thigh in the front and in the back is went to my knee.

Madison grabs my heart locket and clips it around my neck before sliding brown, beaded bracelets on my wrist. I grab my brown gladiators and try to slip them on while running down the stairs behind all the other girls.

I finally manage to make it into the limo last, where the guys are waiting. They're all wearing tuxes or nice dress shirts. I slid into the seat between Tom and Cody, who was wearing a light blue button up shirt that was rolled to his elbow and light beige pants.

I ruffle Tom's hair, which was stuck up in the front with gel, and he quickly tried to fix it, "Hey bud!"

"Don't touch the hair." Everyone in the car laughs at Tom's reaction. He was so adorable.

After about ten minutes of talking and fooling around, we're near the premiere.

Cody shushes everyone, "Okay. Girls, stay close to one of us. You don't have to answer any person questions if you don't want to." We all nod our heads.

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