Chapter 21

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  More laughing and five bowls of cereal later, Cody has a guitar in his hand and my song book in front of us. We were in the game room, looking over the lyrics.    

Cody starts strumming a cool beat to a few chords before we start singing it. It sounded really good, which is probably why Matt came in and told us in four days, since we didn't have a concert, we would shoot the music video. By that time, we would be in Texas.  

For a few more hours, after the others had joined us, we just sat in the game room, singing random songs and taking a bunch of weird, goofy pictures. Finally, we were leaving the bus because it was show time.

  Time to see the precious Bella Thorne once again. I wonder what she's gonna pull tonight.. 

Ch 21:

Brooke glared at me through the mirror of her hotel room. She rolled her eyes and continued to put on mascara, getting back into the rhythm of the strokes.

I sigh loudly, before complying to her wishes. Stripping out my clothes, I shimmy on the black dress over my tan skin.  Thankfully, the back was black lace, giving me air. It was damn hot in Dallas!

The concert in Oklahoma City last night was hot and sweaty. It's been five days since I showed Cody the new duet. They had to push back the video one day, because the director was sick. So, tomorrow we will be filming.

When Brooke ushers me to come to her for make up, I shake my head.

"Way too hot for make up."

She shrugs her shoulders before grabbing something and making her way to me, "At least put this on."

Brooke held out a light, peach colored lip stick. I shrugged a 'why not?' and put it on my lips. After that, I went over to my suitcase that I dragged in here from my room that held my shoes. There was no way that I was getting ready with Bella. Unfortunately, she was paired as my roommate for the next few days until we leave this city.

"Shoes, shoes, shoes.." I mumble to myself, throwing a pair of nude heels back into the bag after examining them. I growl, not having a single pair of shoes to go with this dress.

Once Brooke heard my growl, she took out a pair of black and white, vintage flats and tossed them towards me. Sending her a thankful smile, I slipped them on while smoothing out my dress. After a glance in the mirror, I decided I looked decent enough for this party. Since it was the start of our first tour, the crew thought it would be nice to hold a little 'Welcome to the Tour Life' celebration.



Knock, knock, knock, knoc--

I swing the door open, annoyed. As soon as I see Lindsey and Alli with a sheepish grin on their face, I glare at them, but let them in.

"Who was at the door?" Brooke calls from the bathroom.

Alli runs and side hugs Brooke, casing her light pink lipstick to smear a line across her cheek. When she turns to glare at Alli, I get a good look and burst out laughing. As if on instinct, I grab my phone, snap a picture, and upload it to Twitter. I'll pay for this later, but it's worth it!

Lindsey walks over and sticks her thumb in her mouth before trying to wipe off the lipstick on Brooke's face. Brooke freaks out, being a germ freak, and starts hollering while Lins chases her around the room.

"Just let me... C'mon... I'm almost... Ugh." Lindsey groans as she hits the bed after running on it trying to get Brooke.

I chuckle, "Alright, guys. The boys will be here any minute, so Brooke I suggest you, you know…" I motion to my cheek, teasing her which earns a glare in return.

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