Chapter 9

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"I'll try. G'night, Ari." He responds then opens up his door. Once he is inside with the door closed and locked, I make my way to my room.

I grab my key and open it up. I walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth and hair before putting it in a messy bun to sleep in. I clean my face and finish up getting ready before putting on a nice cozy pair of fuzzy socks.

I cuddle under my blankets and fall into a dreamless sleep, waiting for the hours to tick by for it to finally be my birthday.

Ch 9:





"Ow.." A voice whispers, or so I think. I'm half-asleep but I'm aware of things that are going on around me. Who was that? Or am I still dreaming? I just answer myself by turning over, so that my face was smushed in my pillow, and try to fall back asleep.

Unfortunately, that was just not going to happen.

I hear a very quiet, angry whisper, "Hurry up. Don't wake her up yet!"

 Suddenly, I feel pressure at the end of my bed and something hitting me as it makes its way up my bed, towards my face. I could tell it was heavy but it didn't put much weight on me. As the person, or thing, finally reaches my head level, another weight settles right next to my feet.

What in the--

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Arianna. Happy birthday to you-u-u-u-u!" I hear around 5 or 6 people sing. I groan in response, wanting to go back to sleep.

I hear laughter from the person that was lying right next to me. It was a deep chuckle, and it makes me want to see who the owner was. I reluctantly turn my head and hesitantly open one of my eyes, but only slightly. I can barely see a pair of eyes that I've grown to love through the small opening.

Once I've gotten a good look at who it was, I close my sleepy green eyes, mumble a quick thank you, which probably sounded like a dying cat, and pull the covers over my head.

"Nuh-uh-uh! It's time to wake up, Ms. 15 year old!" Alli's voice awakens me from my slumber, which I just so happily fell back into. Doesn't look like I'll be getting much more sleep today, I think as I feel coldness surround me when Alli tears off my covers.

I groan, stretch a little, before opening my eyes. Having 6 pairs of eyes, including your crush and his sister, on you when you look like crap is probably not the way a teenage girl would like to start off her birthday. My hair was a complete mess, it probably looks just like a birds nest, my eyes are all groggy, and to top it all off, I most likely have drool on my chin. Just perfect.

Finally coming to my senses, I realize people are talking.

"Today is gonna be so much fun. We're gonna..."

"I hope you have a great birthday..."

"Tonight is gonna be a great surprise..."

"You still manage to look beautiful in the morning..."

"My little girl is fifteen..."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it right there, brother. Did Cody just whisper in my ear that I still manage to look beautiful in the morning?

I couldn't dwell on the fact to much because everyone just kept babbling. My father, Marise, Alli, Sean, Tom, and Cody just kept going on, and on, and on.

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