Chapter 6

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I hear Cody start laughing as I hit my head on the door. That's gonna leave a bruise.. I take my hand off of my eyes and turn the door handle. Once I step out of the room, I turn around and slam the door. I turn back around and lean on the door with my hands covering my tomato face.

I'm so stupid.

Ch 6:

"There you are! You and Cody just left while I was still laughing.." I instantly blush once Cody's name was mentioned. Dang, I just got my face back to normal color! I mentally yell at Alli. She gives me a confused look.

"You okay there? Your face is all red and you look uncomfortable." Alli raises her eyebrows, asking a question that I did not want to answer.

"Well, y-you see, um. I-I--" I quickly search for an exuse as I stutter and look around the room, anywhere but Alli's eye.

"You know, you're not a good liar. Your nose scrunches up and you can't look at the person in the eyes. So, don't even try with me. Spit it out." I never realized that Alli was so observant. She must notice many things, explaining how she knew I liked Cody

I think of ways to try to distract her and change the subject. The only thing I could really focus on was her Australian accent, though. Wait! I'm terrible at speaking in an Australian accent but it's extremely fun. Let's try it out..

"'Ello mate! Shrimp on the barbie,'ey? G'day!" I practice to myself, showing off my terrible accent. I've never been able to pull off accents, except for an Irish accent. I'm awesome at it. I always convince people that I've just met, that my parents left me there to go back to Ireland. Terrible, right, but pretty darn hilarious. People have some crazy facial expressions.

Alli gives me this bizarre face before bursting into giggles. Next thing I know, we're both having a major giggle fest. Alli's laugh is so addicting. You hear, and you just have to laugh, it's so funny.

"I...have never...heard...such a...TERRIBLE...accent..." She wheezes through her giggles.

"Don't hate, appreciate!" I yell at the top of my lungs, causing the other people on the sky deck to give me a crazy look. People need to lighten up..

My thoughts are cut off by Alli looking behind me and yells, "Curdy!"

Great.. Before I even see him, I can feel a light blush, pinkening my cheeks. He walks over

"Aww! You made her blush Coco!" Alli exclaims as Cody and I both glare at her, a new round of blush makes its way onto both of our faces.

"Don't call me that." His glare intensifies. I swear, if looks could kill, she'd be long gone.

"Aw, don't be like that Coco." I tease Cody, clearly amused. I smirk at him as he turns his glare to me, which softens slightly.

"You know, earlier was quite funny. You seemed to be star--" 

We've got a bit of love/hate,

You take me to the edge then you hit the brakes,

I-I-I say it's over one day,


Cody was cut off by pure amazingness, also known as One Direction. Saved by the ring! You know like, saved by the bell.. Anyways, I raise my hand and motion to Cody and Alii that I'll only be a minute as I fish my phone out my pockets.

"Yellow?" I ask as I raise the phone to my ear, not bothering to check caller ID. I walk over to the railing on the sky deck that overlooks the ocean.

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