Chapter 18

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I pull my face back, slightly to kiss him. With our lips locked, my left foot slowly hits the ground followed by my right one, but I was still standing on my tippy toes.

Suddenly, a flash caused us to pull apart. There were a few paparazzi taking pictures of us. I turn back towards Cody as I slowly release him from my grip, him doing the same.

I pulled out my phone to check the time.

"Okay, fifteen minutes to get home."

With that, Cody tugged me to the car and back to my house so I could pack for the tour.

Ch 18:

Picking you up right now! It's tour time, baby!

I laugh and throw my phone back on my blue comforter, not bothering to text a hyped Brooke. I look around the room. I won't be seeing this room for a while. I spotted all my photos around the room and on my mirror. I walk over and scan over the recent ones I had put up.

My finger traced over the photo of Alli, Cody, and I in the dining room with the waiter and the plates scattered everywhere. Just thinking of the memory makes me crack up.

There was the picture of Cody, Alli, Tom, Sean, and I on my birthday, one of the best nights of my life.

I even giggled at the picture of Cody and I reenacting the Titanic.

I spotted the picture of Cody and I on stage and the sign to be his girlfriend in the background.

And finally, my eyes landed on my favorite picture. It was one of the pictures from Disneyland. We were all lined up in front of the castle, and none of us were looking at the camera, we were just all in hysterics. I found myself smiling before folding it and placing it in my sweat pockets.

Now, it was time for tour. My very first tour, even if I was just headlining for Cody. As I thought about it, I noticed that I was scared. I was going on tour, without my parents, with my best friends and my boyfriend. I was going to meet thousands of people and perform in front of them. What if they don't like me?

I quickly shook off the thought, not liking where it was headed. With a final check to make sure I have everything I need, I grab my suitcase and toss my brown bag on my shoulder.

My mother, who came to see me off, and my father were talking over a glass of pink lemonade. It was scorching hot, and nothing was better than a nice cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. They both laugh as I bound down the stairs eagerly.

My mother joked, "Someone's just a tad bit excited." I rolled my eyes, the smile never leaving my face.

As I drop my suitcase on the ground along with my bag, I walked over to them and was greeted with a glass for myself. I took a sip before setting it down. I read a text from Brooke, saying that she was outside waiting for me with Lindsey.

"I'm still shocked you’re going on tour. My little baby…" My mother's eyes started bubbling with tears.

I groan, "Mom, I'm not a baby, anymore!" She pulls me in for a hug.

"You will always be my little girl. I'm going to miss you so much. I love you."

I hug her tightly, "I love you too." After pulling away I was swept into another giant hug, but from my father.

I smile, "Bye dad."

He responds, "Okay, make sure you--"

"I don't get in trouble, that I stay on top of my work, that I don't do anything with boys, yes, I know, Dad." I interrupt him and roll my eyes, even though he couldn't see me.

The Summer of CodyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant