Chapter 20

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Claps echoed throughout the whole stadium. Cheers and yells for more. I smile and wave and look over to see Molly jumping into Cody's arms. I grinned even wider, if that was possible, before it faltered slightly.

Standing right by off the stage was Bella, giving me daggers. I ignore her and yell goodbye to the crowd, before grabbing Molly's small hand and exiting the stage with Lindsey and Brooke. It was a great concert to start off the tour.

As we were walking off, Bella was walking on. As we passed each other, and while we were still  in the area that the crowd could see us, she pushed me.

I felt myself falling, and I let go of Molly's hand. As I hit the floor, I heard the crowd scream. As I slowly stand up, my arm and leg scraped up, I feel all the heat raise to my face. My eyes were watering and I blinked a lot, trying to stop them from spilling. I was not going to cry.

I couldn't give up that easily.

Ch 20:

"Oops…" Bella said sarcastically. She brought up her hand and checked over her manicure.

Clenching and unclenching my jaw, I whisper harshly, "I'm not going down without a fight."

She slowly and dramatically moved her eyes back up to my eyes. Slowly leaning in closer while raising her eyebrow, she states, "We'll see about that."

"I'll be the one saying 'I told you so' in the end." With that, I turned around and walked offstage. Catching up with Lindsey, Brooke, and Molly, we stand on the side to watch Cody perform.

I instantly turn towards Molly, "Are you okay, sweetie? I didn't hurt you, right?"

She smiles but it turns into a frown, "I'm okay! Are you?" I smile and nod before I see Alli running over towards me from taking to her dad and Tom. She has a worried look on her face as she finally reaches us.

She grabs my arm, "Are you okay? That was so obvious that she pushed you."

I laugh and roll my eyes, "Yeah, I know. It was still embarrassing, I mean everyone saw, didn't they?" I bit my bottom lip, nervously. Falling in front of hundreds of people wasn't something that was exactly enjoyable. Plus, I'm sure most girls got pictures and videos, and they were probably going to be all over Twitter in the morning.

Alli shook her head and gave me an apologetic look. "It'll all blow over. In a couple days, no one will even remember it. Plus, it's Bella who should be worrying about it. She was the one that pushed you." She points out.

Nodding my head, not fully convinced, I turn my attention back to Cody, trying to get my mind off of what just happened. Hopefully no one will bring it up, but with my luck, they will. I wonder if Cody even saw it, but he most likely did.

He was currently singing 'Gentlemen' and my eyes follow him as he serenades the crowd. He closes his eyes as he sings. At the front of the stage, he reaches his hands down towards the pit to slap hands with fan girls.

Next, for the 'Not Just You' girl, he brought up a girl who looked around thirteen or fourteen. The whole time, she couldn't keep a smile off her face, and I can see how happy Cody can make someone. I'm glad he picked someone who was really a fan, and enjoyed being up there.

When the song finishes, she walks off the stage, over to us.

"Oh my gosh, hi! I'm a huge fan of all of you." She instantly gushes as she stands in front of us. She had short black hair with brown eyes.

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