Chapter 9

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Jace POV

I arrived at Crystal's house and felt uneasy. I walked up to the door and knocked. Fifteen minutes passed and nothing. I banged on the door, "Crystal, it's Jace, please open the door," I plead, the door unlocked, and there she stood, "Hey," I greeted, "you came to my house, I doubt it was to say hey," she stated.

I looked at her, she had bags under her eyes, red eyes and wore clothes that were too big for her. I smiled, "I came to check on you," I explained, "I'm fine, so you can go," she stated and started closing the door. I held it, "Crystal, I'm here for you," I explained, she didn't answer, "Listen, I don't know what's going on, but please talk to me," I beg, "Move your hand," she demanded and closed the door.

I stood at my car, not knowing what to do, my phone began to ring, "Hello," I answered, "Jace, it's Tessa, " She explained, "oh hey, what's up?" I asked, "cut the chit-chat, where are you?" She asked, "I'm in front of Crystal's house," I stated, "you need to get her out there," She exclaimed before I could ask, and the house exploded. The impact sent me flying into my car, I got up with a ringing sensation. I looked up seeing Crystal's house, on fire, my heart dropped.

I ran into the house using my shirt to cover my nose, "CRYSTAL," I coughed, but there was no answer. I scanned the room, and there she was on the floor. I quickly picked her up and headed to the door, but the fire blocked the exit. My lungs began to burn, "I need to get out of here," I thought, looking around, but nothing.

I thought it was the end, the fire surrounded me, and I was on the verge of passing out. The door flew open, and four firemen ran in. They took Crystal and helped us outside, to a separate ambulance, "JACE!" Tessa shouted, placing a respirator on my face, "Where is Chris, is she ok, were you burnt? she asked, "I'm fine, Tessa," I explained, she sighed, "Crystal's distress button went off, so I was scared," She stated, The nurse examined me, "You're Fine, but we're gonna take you to the hospital to look at those burns," He stated.

We got to the hospital and they treated my wounds. Tessa and I were still waiting to hear from Crystal, "I hate being here, waiting to hear either good or bad news," She sighed, "She's gonna be ok," I comforted. Minutes felt like hours, and I began to get uneasy, "Crystal Armani," The doctor call out, I immediately jumped up "yes," I exclaimed, "She ok, A few burns, but fine, we ran some tests and found something strange," He stated I sighed "What did you find?" Tessa questioned, "She didn't pass out due to the fire, it was due to hunger and stress," He explained, I looked at Tessa, who had the same look as me, "She gonna need care when we discharge her," he replied.

We entered her room, and Crystal laid on the bed breathing through a respirator, "did you call my friends?" I asked "yeah, I only got through to Justin, he should be here," She stated, "WHERE IS MY BEST FRIEND!" Justin shouted, "that would be him," I replied, Tessa, laughed. He ran in, "Crystal, holy shit, is she okay?" he asked, "Let's go outside," Tessa insisted. We explained what happened and what the doctor told us. "Hey, I just realized something," Tessa commented, "What?" Justin asked, "The explosion, didn't kill her, it must have been some sort of threat or warning," She stated, "Holy shit," Justin exclaimed, "Tessa, you should look into that," I replied. She nodded, "I'm gonna talk with the firemen," Tessa announced, "I'm coming with you," Justin stated, "you coming?" He asked, "Yeah, I'll catch up," I replied.

Crystal's POV

I woke up blinded by a bright light, I had a respirator on my face. I examined my surroundings, I was in a hospital room. The door opened, and a nurse came in, "Mrs Armani, you're awake," She exclaimed, I just looked at her. She ran out and came back with a doctor, "Mrs Armani if you can hear me blink twice?" the doctor asked, I blinked, "Well, Crystal you're quite lucky, you only suffered a few burns," the doctor explained, "I'll notify her friends," The nurse announced.

"Crystal, we ran some tests, and you fainted because of stress and starvation," the doctor explained, "If it wasn't for that young man's fearlessness, you could have died," She added, "you can tell that fireman to shove whatever medal he got in his ass," I stated. "Crystal, I'm sorry that this happened to you, but you can't take it out on who saved you," She explained, I didn't say anything. For the next hour, they ran tests, making sure I was okay.

Justin, Tessa, and Jace entered my room, "CRYSTAL, YOU'RE OKAY!" Justin shouted, "Justin, please, don't deaf her," Tessa replied, I laughed, "how are you feeling?" Jace asked, "I'm alive," I stated, "Crystal, the house was destroyed, they couldn't save anything," Tessa explained, I laughed , "so I have no clothes, no house and no weapons," I added, "do you know who would do this?" Justin asked, "yes, and that person is dead," I replied.

"Well, she gonna have to stay with someone," Tessa explained, "Sorry, don't have enough space Chris," Justin explained, "I have the space, but I won't be able to assist you in any way," Tessa stated, "You can stay with me," Jace replied. I looked up at him, and he smiled, "well, it's settled," Tessa commented, "did, you call my aunt?" I questioned, "yes, but we couldn't get through to her," Justin answered, "Good, she stressed as it is, I wouldn't want to worry her," I sighed. "Enough of this sad shit," Justin insisted, "I need food," He complained, "I could eat," Tessa approved, Justin looked at Tessa in disbelief, and we laughed.

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