Chapter 5

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Jace POV
I was starting to get worried about Crystal, so I told the guys I would go and look for her, they nodded, while Maliek gave me a smiley lovey-dovey look. I rolled my eyes and went outside.

 She sat in her car, looking down. She must have seen me coming because she got out of her car and stood waiting for me. "Are you Okay?" I asked, "I don't know how to answer that," she replied, I raised my brow, she took out her phone and showed me.

It was an announcement from the agency, "Ben fucking Owens," I cursed. I looked at Crystal, who looked a little shaken. I held her hand, "hey, we're gonna be Okay, we know how to kick ass," I explained, and she smiled.

"We should go before Jay eats out the entire store," she laughed. I let go of her hand and then walked to the cafe. "Finally," Jordan said, "yeah, we were starting to get worried about the two of you," Andrew continued, I ordered an iced tea and sat beside Maliek.

"Did you guys get the announcement?"  Elizabeth asked, "Yeah, Ben Owens escaped blah blah blah," Justin answered,  "Don't take it lightly Justin, Owen murdered twelve people in a week," Andrew explained, "well, thankfully, we're not the targets,"  Stacey expressed.

"You remembered his trial, he promised to put anyone who helped put him in jail,  in the same body bags as the victims," Amanda Shared, "Thank god they didn't ask us on that case," Jordan gloated, wiping a fake sweat.

We laughed except for Crystal who was looking through the window. "We should still be on the lookout," Amanda insist, "But, until then we eat food," Jay interrupted biting hungrily into a doughnut, we laughed and talked until it was time to leave.

Crystal POV

We finally got home, and I took a shower and jumped straight into bed. I browsed through Tik Tok to, pass the time.

I felt myself drifting off, when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Jace, "Hey can I come in?" He asked. I opened the door wider, letting him in, "Wassup?" I questioned, "My AC stopped working, and I'm too hot to sleep without it, so I was wondering if I could crash with you?" He asked, scratching  his head, "what about the living room?" I asked, "Justin took it over," he answered, "Okay, I'll have to call the guys to fix it in the morning," I responded. "Are you ok?" He asked, "I'm peachy," I stated.

Jace lay in bed, falling asleep, and I lay in bed and scrolled through my phone before doing the same.

I woke up around 7, facing Jace, I admired his facial structure, he opened his eyes and looked directly at me. I got up, "Good morning," I greeted, "um, good morning," he stuttered, getting up.

I washed my face and went downstairs to meet the others.

"Morning," I greeted, "Morning," Amanda smiled. I took a plate of food and joined the others at the table. "We're Ben's target," I stated, everyone, stopped and looked at me.

"What are you talking about?" Maliek asked, I placed my phone on the table, "Okay, what about it," Kira questioned, "The text, it's the day before we got the announcement," I stated, "Holy shit, she's right," Jordan expressed, "What are we gonna do?" Elizabeth asked, "I am going to the agency so they can track the phone," I explained, "But you're gonna miss the dance," Amanda sighed, "Yeah, we were looking forward to it," Stacey agonized.

"I'm sorry, but I need to do this," I expressed, "let us come with you," Jace insist, "no, you guys enjoy it for me," I smiled. I ran upstairs and changed, grabbed my stuff, and then left.

I was about to drive out of the parking lot when I saw Justin running out, waving his bag, "what are you doing?" I asked through the window, "coming with you," he answered, opening the door "no way I'm letting you go by yourself," he insisted, I smiled, "if you don't go," he ranted, I rolled my eyes and drove off.

We arrived at the agency and ran into the computer room. "Tessa, I need you to track this," I exclaimed, "guys, it's very chaotic, you have to come back another time, sorry," she explained, facing back to her computer, "Tessa, this is about Ben Owens," I declared.

She immediately faced me, "Come with me," she demanded. We went into a room with an advanced-looking computer, "Phone," She ordered, I handed her the phone and did her thing.

"It looks like it's here," she pointed, Justin took a picture then, We ran out of the building, and outside was pitch black.  "Let's go," I said, jumping in the car, "WAIT!" Tessa exclaimed,  "I am coming with you," she stated, "Tessa, no," I replied, shaking my head, "I'm not taking no for an answer," she insisted. She opened the door and got in, "are you sure about this?" Justin asked, she nodded. I started the car and drove off.

We ended up at an abandoned building, "this is the place?" I asked, "that's what the tracker says," Tessa explained, pointing to the device. We walked into the building, and it was completely empty expect for the chair in the centre, "that's not creepy," Justin commented. I noticed a phone on the chair, "I think we found the phone," Tessa stated, picking it up.

I walked around the building, trying to find any clues. I began hearing a loud tick, I followed the noise to a clock 14,13,12. "JUSTIN!" I shouted, I ran towards them "what is it?" He questioned "we need to leave now," I explained, I grabbed their hand and ran through the door. The building exploded, the impact threw us into the wall, and I lost consciousness.

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