A shocking turn of events

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By TheCartTitan

"Hurry, Eren! We'll be late!", Armin called, waiting for Eren to catch up with him and Mikasa. They were making their way to the performance hall in which the poetry contest would be held.
"Do you have the poem I told you to write?", Mikasa asked Eren.
"I wrote it because I wanted to", Eren replied, taking out a crumpled up piece of paper, with his poem scribbled onto it, out his pocket.
"Okay, let's go then. I hope one of us wins. I know what the prize is because I was helping Illse organise it and it's amazing!", Armin told them both, smiling a huge smile.

The performance hall was more packed than they had expected; it seemed that a lot of people had come to witness the poetry competition. Armin searched the crowd for seats and he spotted Annie and Hitch at the back - Annie engulfed in a book like usual - but sadly they didn't have any seats near them. Bertholdt and Reiner were a few seats across from them, but Reiner appeared to be helping the nervous Bertholdt to practice his poem. Sasha, Connie, Niccolo and Jean also sat somewhere in the middle, but all the seats around them had been taken.

Armin spotted a hand waving from the front - it was Ilse. He ran with Mikasa and Eren, towards the front, to find that all the members of the literature club were sitting together and that they had managed to save two seats for them, even though Pieck was taking up two seats, as usual.
"Oh, we're sorry. We only saved two seats for Mikasa and Armin", Ilse told them, "we didn't know you were bringing a friend".

"Eren!", Mikasa called, noticing that Eren was running towards another waving hand.
"Just leave him", Armin told her, taking the seat that the other members of the literature club had saved for him, "I think that's Yelena and Floch calling him".
Mikasa hesitated for a moment, before taking a seat next to Armin.

Once the crowd had settled down, Ilse walked onto the stage, to speak into the microphone.
"I'm proud to welcome you all to the Literature Club's Poetry Contest! Let me introduce you to our panel of judges!", Ilse told them, before looking across the stage to a table of four teachers, "We have Mr Smith, Mr Bozado, Mr Yeager and Miss Zoë!".
The crowd cheered for the judges, before allowing Ilse to continue speaking.
"Today we have seven contestants!", She announced, looking down onto a piece of paper, "first up is Armin Arlert from class 2A!".

Armin fumbled onto the stage, as the crowd clapped and cheered. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and neatly unfolded it, before clearing his throat.
"This poem is called 'The Price'", he said into the microphone, as loud as he could.
"If I were told to put a price,
On all the gold in the world,
And the glittering sun that shone that day,
- that day I met you,
I would say that it were all worth naught,
Compared to your precious golden hair,
So what right do I have to be near it at all?

And if I was asked for the worth of the ocean,
That perfectly mirrors the heavens above,
With thousands of shades of azure, cerulean, indigo,
Filled with more salt than a merchant could dream of,
I would tell them it was nothing,
Compared to the colour of your sapphire eyes,
So how could I ever deserve your gaze?"

There was a short silence before the cacophony of claps resumed.
"He's totally got the hots for you", Hitch giggled, nudging Annie.
"Whatever", Annie replied, still invested in her book.

Armin turned to the judges, waiting for their response.
"I loved it! I give it a 10!", Mr Smith shouted.
"I like the way you only mentioned the lover's features towards the end of each stanza. I'll give it an 8", Mr Bozado remarked.
"Good but pretty basic. I'll give it a 5", Mr Yeager said.
"I say it's an 8", said Miss Zoë.

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