Being Nice

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Happy Birthday, Marcel

Porco tapped his pencil against his desk, continuously as he stared out of the window, lost in thought. There was never a moment in any lesson where he wasn't bored. This usually led to him getting told off by whatever teacher he had and nobody could really snap him out this daydream state. Not even his brother who was continually tapping on his shoulder, trying to get the attention of his younger brother as he noticed the teacher, Ms Ral, approaching.

"Porco!" Marcel exclaimed, quietly which managed to get the blonde boys attention.

"What?" Porco asked.

"Excuse me, young man, why aren't you paying attention?" Miss Ral said, harshly.

"Huh?" He said.

"Don't 'huh' me! Be more respectful!" She yelled, crossing her arms and tapping her foot against the floor impatiently. "Now, please pay attention to this lesson Mr Galliard"

"Maths is dumb, why would I pay attention?" He remarked.

"An hour detention. After school today. If you don't attend there will be harsher sanctions for you to face" Miss Ral stated and walked back to the front of the classroom. Some students could be heard snickering slightly and others just ignored it.

"You shouldn't have acted so rude" Marcel stated which caused Porco to roll his eyes.

"Whatever" He stated.

"You should be nicer to me since I'm your big brother, Porco" Marcel said, chuckling. Porco sighed in response.

As the lesson continued, Porco continued to not pay any attention and eventually Miss Ral gave up. However, during the group activities Marcel forced Porco to do the work that was set for them, helping him with the questions that he didn't understand.

"See, the work wasn't that bad was it, Porco?" Marcel said as the lesson finished and they all began to pack up to head out to lunch. "It's fun when you get the hang of it"

"Not really" Porco said.

"Before we leave, are you going to apologise to miss Ral?" Marcel questioned him.

"No" Porco said, walking out of the room which caused Marcel to sigh. The brown-haired boy walked up to the red-haired teacher.

"I apologise for my little brother's behaviour" Marcel said.

"It's okay, Mr Galliard. It is not you" Miss Ral said and continued to do her paperwork.

Marcel left the room to catch up with Porco who was already making his way down the hallway to the cafeteria.

"You could've waited" Marcel stated as soon as he caught up to his brother.

"I knew you would catch up" Porco stated, continuing to walk at the same pace.

"You could learn to be more polite also you should stop bullying Reiner. It's a very mean thing to do" Marcel stated and Porco sighed in response yet again.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You tell me all the time" Porco stated.

"Oh Marcel, Porco" A familiar voice said, walking towards the two brothers.

"Oh, Reiner, Bertholdt" Marcel said.

" should probably be more respectful...respectful in class or you keep on getting in trouble" Bertholdt stated, quietly. He was quite afraid of Porco snapping back at him. He had contemplated not saying anything but decided to do so.

"Huh? What's it to you?!" Porco said which caused Bertholdt to jump back in fright and hide behind Reiner.

"Porco! Be nice to Bertholdt! He is concerned about you!" Marcel scolded.

"Be nicer or you'll make him cry again, Galliard" Reiner stated as he could almost sense that Bertholdt was on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, Bertholdt" Porco apologised.

"Perhaps, I'll spend the rest of this lunch time teaching you to be respectful and to have manners" Marcel said.

"No, it's fine. See I apologised" Porco stated, quickly but Marcel only ignored the boy and continued to speak with Reiner and Bertholdt.

"First, you should try to thank Bertholdt for his concern" Marcel said.

"Fine, fine" The blonde boy replied. "Thank you for your concern but I don't give a shit-"


"Fine! Thank you for your concern, Bertholdt" Porco said, begrudgingly.

"No problem" Bertholdt replied, smiling.

"See being nice to someone makes them happy. Isn't it nice to make other people happy?" Marcel stated and Porco rolled his eyes and mumbled an 'I guess so' but didn't really want anyone to hear his response.

"Now, since you always bully Reiner. Say something nice to him" Marcel said and Porco sighed even louder this time.

"He doesn't have to" Reiner said, smiling slightly.

"No, I will and it'll prove that I'm the better man" Porco said. "You're an all right person"

"What kind of a compliment is that! Say something nicer. Perhaps you could thank him for something"  Marcel said.

"Fine. I guess. I guess I'll thank you for saying that I was 'exactly right' that one time" Porco stated. "It made me feel happy that it wasn't Pieck who was the only one that was 'exactly right'"

"Well, you're welcome, Galliard" Reiner stated, chuckling and patted Porco on his head which caused him to growl.

"See, that wasn't so hard" Marcel said and laughed.

"Whatever, I'm going to go get lunch now. I'm hungry" Porco said and ran off towards the cafeteria determined to get food before there was barely any left.

"He can be rude and disrespectful most of the time but I'm still very happy to have him as my little brother" Marcel said and smiled, running after him to try to catch him up again.

After school, Marcel and Porco were on their way out of the school grounds.

"Hey, aren't you going to go to that detention" Marcel stated and Porco shook his head.

"Of course not. Nothing is going to happen like usual anyway" Porco stated and continued walking but Marcel stopped.

"I thought you were continuing to be respectful. If you were you'd go to that detention, Porco" Marcel said.

"Fine, fine. I'll go" Porco said and headed off to Miss Ral's classroom in a huff.

"Remember to apologise to her for your rude behaviour earlier today as well" Marcel said, running off and waving goodbye to him.

"Why?!" Porco yelled as his older brother ran off and continued to walk to Miss Ral's classroom, angry.

The detention proceeded to make him angrier.

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