Winners (Sports Day Final)

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Those who were participating in the egg and spoon race lined up at the start line, waiting for miss Reiss to tell them to start.

"Gabi, you chose this race too? Weren't you doing another race as well?" Falco asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to do more than one race. What? Are you scared about losing to me?" She said, smirking, laughing a little.

"N-no! Of course not!" He exclaimed.

"Sure" She remarked, sarcastically and laughed again.

"3, 2, 1, go!" Miss Reiss said and then the competitors started, walking as fast as they could without dropping the egg.

As the race continued, some sped up and some slowed down, being more wary that they were going to drop the egg.

The first one to drop the egg was Ilse and when she did, she sighed in defeat, walking off the track to continue watching the race.

"Hey, horse face, you're so slow!" Eren said. He had awakon again after being knocked out. This made Jean outraged, causing him to drop his egg at the sudden comment from the brown-haired boy.

"Shut up, you psychopathic bastard!" Jean yelled.

"Watch your language, young man" Miss Reiss said. "You dropped the egg so, please, leave the track"

Jean stormed off of the track in rage, in disbelief.

The race continued with 4 competitors left: Falco, Gabi, Bertholdt and Rico. Gabi was currently in the lead, walking at a fast pace in order to keep her distance from the other competitors. She wanted to win more than anything.
Falco, not wanting to lose, sped up also in order to keep up with the brown-haired girl, eventually, catching up to her. It was a race between them two now to see who would get first place and so Gabi, who noticed the blonde boy catching up to her, tried to keep her distance from him and the rest.

As the finish line was in view, both sped up, determined to cross the finish line first.

"And everyone's crossed the finish line!" Miss Reiss said as soon as they had all crossed the finish line.

"I win!" Gabi exclaimed, happily, fistbumping the air.

"Wait, I crossed it first!" Falco said.

"No, I did" Gabi stated. "You may have been catching up to me but I crossed the finish line first" she growled.

"Seems we have a tie!" Miss Reiss said. "Gabi and Falco tie for first place!"

"Tie?!" They both exclaimed.

"Well done you two" Reiner said, running up to the two of them.

"I guess a tie isn't that bad" Gabi said, sighing. "But remember in the future, I'll make sure to win!"
Falco sighed and in the end gave up on fighting with her.

"Now, it's time for the three legged race" Miss Reiss said. "Now, for this race, there a few of you who signed up. The partners for you were decided at random so right now I will read off the list of pairs"

"Aw, man, I thought we go to choose our partners" Connie said, sighing, heavily.

"Ya just need teamwork even if you don't really know eachother" Sasha replied.

"Shhh, I want to see if I'm with Eren" Mikasa stated, blandly, waiting for the deputy head to announce the pairs.

"Reiner and Porco, Connie and Jean, Ymir and Bertholdt, Hitch and Sasha, Eren and...Yelena" Miss Reiss stated.

Mikasa groaned in annoyance at who Eren was partnered with. The crazy stalker girl who worshipped the two Yeagers as Gods. "Why her?" She groaned. "Someone needs to protect Eren from the likes of her"

"I'm sure it will be fine, Mikasa" Armin said in attempt to try and cheer Mikasa up which, unfortunately, was not succeeding.

"And last but not least...Mikasa and Annie" Miss Reiss stated.

"What?!" Mikasa exclaimed. "I have to work with her?!"

Annie stood up to face the black-haired girl whose face radiated displeasure with this choice. She sighed and placed her book on the floor.
"I didn't want to sign up and I'm not the most pleased with this result but we may as well work together to win" Annie stated, emotionlessly, rolling her eyes as she walked closer to Mikasa, crossing her arms. The two of them glared at each other; both were prepared to fight one another. Reiner and Bertholdt held onto it Annie just in case, Armin doing the same with Mikasa as Eren ignored the situation.

"Good luck you two" Armin stated as the two walked towards the start line. The other pairs soon followed and took their positions on the track. After getting handed their ropes, each pair tied it around their legs and stood, waiting. Mikasa and Annie refused to look at each other and remained in silence.

"If they act like this, there's no chance they'll win" Armin said, quietly and sighed.

"Bertholdt, I'm not planning on losing this so if you do I'm blaming you!" Ymir yelled at the taller boy who whimpered in fear. "Y-yes, Ymir" Bertholdt stuttered, visibly sweating in fear.

"Let's do our best" Sasha said to Hitch and the other girl nodded in response.

"You better not hold me back, Jean-boy since I'm so much better than you" Connie mocked, smirking.

"Just shut up, Connie" Jean sighed.

"Reiner, we have to work together. Don't get me wrong, I'm just proving that I'm the better man" Porco stated and Reiner chuckled in response.

"Yeah, Galliard" Reiner said, a small smile plastered on his face.

"Maybe if Lord Zeke sees me win this race with his little brother, he'll talk to me again" Yelena said, smiling a wide smile that creeped Eren out. "Let's make sure to win, Eren"
He just ignored her and stared straight ahead.

"Everyone, ready?!" Miss Reiss said. "On your mark, get set, go!"

They were off as soon as she blew the whistle, Ymir and Bertholdt gaining a huge lead at the very start. Yelena and Eren were in second, Reiner and Porco were in third place, Sasha and Hitch were in fourth and Annie and Mikasa were in last place. They were going at the slowest pace and it looked as they they were arguing with each other.

"You guys try to work together even just for now! Otherwise, you'll lose!" Armin shouted,  gaining the attention of the two girls.

They both sighed but agreed to work together in the end. Despite being behind by quite far, they soon made up the distance between them and the others. Soon, making it in to second place with incredible speed. Within mere seconds of crossing the finish line, they managed to overtake the two in front, winning the competition.

"Damn it!" Ymir cursed.

"Lord Zeke won't talk to me now" Yelena said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey" Annie said as she untied the rope. "I'm sorry...for acting like that. It was stupid"

"It's fine. I'm sorry too" Mikasa apologised.

They both shook hands, congratulating each other as they won the race.

As sports day continued, soon the events came to an end and the medals were given to the competitors. Some won more than one medal, some one only one and some won none but in the end everyone seemed to enjoy their time and didn't mind where they placed.

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