A Passing Grade

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This is a chapter that is dedicated to srach6l. Thanks for requesting! 😁
This was also a team effort between TheCartTitan and I.

The blonde-haired boy rested his chin on his hand, looking out of the window. It was Mr Yeager's science lesson and Porco was bored as usual. He sighed and his eyes began to -slowly- close, his head resting against the window sill. He always found this lesson the most boring so most of the time just day dreamed. His peaceful relaxation was interrupted, however, by a booming and loud voice, yelling his name which caused Porco to jump up in his seat as the loud voice startled him.

"Galliard!" Mr Yeager screamed. This not only caused Porco to jump but also everyone else in the classroom excluding a few who didn't startle so easily.


"Don't 'huh' me, Galliard!" Mr Yeager yelled. "Your grades are awful, Galliard. Do you really have time to be taking a nap during my lesson?! Just look at your grade from this last test! Absolutely despicable!"
Mr Yeager slammed down the test paper onto Porco's desk. The letter 'F' was imprinted in red on the white paper, covering the centre of the paper and a very low percentage written on the top left corner of the page.

Porco groaned, looking at the score and mumbled a 'whatever'. He really couldn't care less. A few students in the class snickered at Porco's disrespectful behaviour but soon fell silent when Mr Yeager turned around to glare at the students. "The next exam is coming up and if you don't pass, there will be consequences" Mr Yeager scolded. Porco sighed and looked at the taller teacher, a bored look in his eyes.

"And what dreadful thing will happen if I don't pass? Because so far there hasn't been any consequences, has there?" Porco questioned, causing the blonde teacher to become even more outraged than he already was.

"You won't get to go on the beach trip this summer" Mr Yeager stated.
The whole class erupted in a series of 'ooo's. Nobody wanted to miss the beach trip at all. Mr Yeager, then, continued handing out past exam papers to the students who hadn't yet received theirs for them to take home.

Porco, rapidly, stood up from his seat and slammed his hands on the desk, in disgust and anger. "But that's not fair!" He exclaimed but Mr Yeager ignored him and Porco groaned, sitting back down and mumbling curses under his breath. The blonde boy examined his exam paper, he had gotten few, very few, questions correct. The paper was basically covered in red pen marks.

He sighed to himself and began to plot what he needed to do. Well, it was what anyone would do. He detested the thought but decided that it was necessary. The beach trip was too important to skip out on and he'd be made fun of for days for not going. He decided he had to ask help from a smart student. It shouldn't have been too hard, there were a lot of smart people in this class.

His eyes wandered over to the black-haired, short girl who was peacefully drifting off on her exam paper which was marked at the top left in red with '100%' and 'Exactly Right!'
There was no way he was going to ask her for help. She'd probably continuously tease him throughout.

He flicked his eyes over to the other blonde boy who was in the middle of reading a book, a good mark at the top left of his exam paper. "Hey, Tybur, tutor me" Porco said, walking over to Willy. "Sorry, Galliard, I can't. I'm helping my sister" He said and Porco groaned in annoyance.

Porco examined the room once more.

'Marcel? No, I don't want to burden Marcel
Niccolo? No, too busy cooking for that girl from Class 2A
Colt? Probably will be too busy hanging out with his brother
Annie? She would never say yes. Does she even like people?
Bertholdt? Probably would get on my nerves
Reiner? Not even considering Reiner, tch.
Yele-nope not her. That girl is absolutely crazy'

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