Getting Everything Started (Sports Day 1)

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This was the day. The day everyone in the school had been preparing for since the start of the year. It was Sports day. This was the day everyone got to participate in fun sports such as the egg and spoon race or the skipping race. For those who were really competitive though and who enjoyed sports, there were 100, 200, 400, 800 metre races.

All years sat down in the field and waited for further instructions from their teachers. They had to get to school extra early and some of the students were not pleased with the situation, having to travel far from their homes. However, some were absolutely thrilled about this, they had been looking forward to sports day ever since the first day of school.

Connie yawned and rested his chin on the palm of his hand, his eyes drooping, slightly. "I know sports day is really fun and everything but is it really necessary for us to come to school earlier than usual" He stated, yawning, again.

"C'mon, Connie. It's not that early, ya need to not complain so much about things" Sasha said, slurping some ramen that she had brought to school with her. "Yer need to learn to be an early riser"
She continued slurping her ramen.

Connie sighed and turned to face the others in his class. A few were tired like him, a few even falling asleep. Everyone just wanted to start playing sports, immediately. Though, some hated sports day and dreaded this day. Some refused to participate and were just cheering teams on or were just doing whatever they felt like.

"Everyone, thank you for waiting! I know it's super early but try to look less like you'd rather be anywhere else" Miss Reiss said through her megaphone so that all the students could hear her. "We will be starting shortly but first we will have a few words from our headteacher: Mr Darius Zackly"

Mr Zackly stood up in front of all the years and began talking. "Thank you for you all attending today. I'm sure you all know the rules but I will go over them for our first years who have just started this academic year" He stated and somehow, all the students sighed in unison with each other. After he finished going over the rules and a mini speech, it was time for everyone to prepare.

"So, does everyone know whose participating in what? If not I will be reading the list now. Also, for some sports it will be necessary for a teacher to participate" Miss Reiss said and began reading out a list but those who knew just ignored her and walked off to prepare for the events. The teachers started to finish the first race which was between the teachers. Most of the teachers had just signed up for the 100, 200 and 400 metre races with only two signing up for the 800 metre race.

"Hey, Eren" Armin called, catching up to Eren to make conversation with him. "I have a question about the poetry competition: why did you rip up the tickets? It would've be really fun"
The brown haired boy rolled his eyes before turning to face the shortet boy.
"Nobody tells me what to do, I'm free to make my own choices. This pathetic excuse of school can't tell me what to do"

"But it would've been fun- wait Eren, that's not the right room" Armin exclaimed as Eren, accidentally, entered the second year girl's changing room.

"What the hell?! Get out, Pervert!" Hitch yelled.

"Stop looking at my Historia, you fucking perv!" Ymir shouted.

He, quickly, closed the door, still being able to hear the shouts and yells from the second year girls inside. He shrugged it off and began to walk towards the second year boy's changing room but was ,immediately, stopped by the blonde boy behind him.

He turned around yet again to face the shorter male. "D-did you see Annie?!" Armin exclaimed, a little bit of blood trickling from his nose. "Errr" Eren stammered. Somehow and sometime, all the other second year boys had, all of a sudden, gathered around Eren, all of them being perverts and were jealous of Eren.

"What about Historia?!" Reiner exclaimed as blood soon started to trickle out of his nose.
"Reiner, what if Ymir hears you. She'll surely kill you" Bertholdt said to his best friend.

"You didn't want to see Annie, didn't you, Bert?" Reiner stated which caused the tall boy to blush a dark red.

"Answer the question, Eren!" Armin exclaimed. Eren stood their confused and ,honestly, didn't understand why everyone cared so much.

"Was Sasha also there?" Niccolo questioned, shyly and blushed pink.

"What are you all doing badgering Eren like this?! You should respect the girl's privacy!" Marlowe stated. Connie rested his arm on the black-haired boy's shoulder, smirking. "Don't be a hypocrite" He stated. "I bet you wanted to see Hitch"

"No, I would never!" He exclaimed. "It's important to respect the girl's privacy!"
Connie only laughed as Marlowe's cheeks got even darker in a blush.

The boys continued to badger Eren for what felt like, to Eren, ages until the door slammed open and the tall, brunette female stormed out.

"Eren, I'll fucking kill you! How dare you try to peak on my Historia?!" She yelled. She noticed the crowd of second year boys crowded around Eren and she got even angrier especially upon spotting Reiner. "You fucking pervert, Reiner! You better stop perving on my girlfriend!"

"Ymir, don't be so violent all the time" Historia said, coming out of the changing room.

When all the other second year girls came out of the changing room, the boys rushed off, partially embarrassed and partially scared of Ymir killing them.

Later, they all headed out to the track. Almost of the equipment had been set out and everything had been prepared for the first races. The first few races would be between the teachers and then the following would be the student races and some races would have both students and teachers participating in the sports.

The students sat on the ground and waited for everything to begin.

"Okay, now, since everything's ready, let the events begin!" Miss Reiss said.

The faculty races began and through out the events, there was one constant and that constant was that the janitor, Mr Levi Ackerman, won all of the races. The other teacher's, after the races, were completely worn out, trying to keep up with him but they did not succeed.

The final race between the faculty members was a 800 metre race only between Mr Levi Ackerman and Mr Zeke Yeager.

The end of this race ended with the inevitable victor, Mr Levi Ackerman.

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