Relay Race (Sports Day 2)

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The teacher races had all finished and now it was time for the student's turn. They all felt relieved that, finally, they could participate in the events after waiting so long. One of the first events for the students was the relay race which was between two teams and these two teams were: Mr Magath, Reiner, Pieck and Porco, after Porco had convinced the black-haired girl to participate in the events, and the other team was: Mr Yeager, Yelena, Eren and Floch.

For the first team, the order was Porco, Pieck, Reiner and then Mr Magath and for the second team, the order was Yelena, Floch, Eren and then Mr Yeager. Both teams couldn't wait to race each other.

"Hey, Pieck, wake up" Porco said, nudging the girl who was sitting next to him in an attempt to wake her up from her nap. "The race is going to start soon"

Pieck opened her eyes and yawned. "Okay, Pock" She replied, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Stop calling me Pock!" He exclaimed. "Also, why do you have your crutch again?"

"I'm used to walking with and it's good for when my legs start hurting" She replied.

"Okay, now, it is time for the relay race" Miss Reiss said. "Would the contestants please stand in your starting positions"

Both teams got up and started walking to their starting positions. Yelena was distraught that she would be the furthest one away from Mr Yeager but had to deal with it. All competitors stood at their starting positions and waited until it was time for them to start running.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Miss Reiss said. "On your mark, get set, go!" She yelled and Porco and Yelena immediately started running towards their teammates. Loud cheering could be heard from the crowd for both sides which encouraged both teams to run their best and fastest.

The first person to reach their next teammate was Porco and he handed the baton to Pieck who upon getting the baton started walking immediately but at a slow pace. This allowed Yelena to catch up to the lot and she handed the Floch the baton, allowing him to overtake Pieck, causing Porco to become extremely frustrated.

"Pieck! Drop the crutch and start running!" Porco yelled and upon hearing this, Pieck dropped her crutch and went on her hands and feet, running on her hands and feet at an extremely fast pace, overtaking Floch by far, making sure that the boy couldn't catch up. Floch, of course, tried to catch up but was no match for Pieck's speed.

Upon getting to Reiner, she handed the baton to him and sat down again. Then, Reiner, immediately, started running to get a head start on Eren. When Floch, finally, reached Eren, he handed the baton to him and panted, trying to catch his breath from trying to keep up with Pieck's speed.

"Hey! Ref! How is that allowed?!" Floch yelled at miss Reiss.

"Where in the rules does it say that she has two run on her two feet?!" Porco shouted at him.

"Floch! Don't disrespect me, the deputy head teacher! Do you want to be disqualified?!" Miss Reiss yelled.

Floch groaned in response and continued watching the race.

Due to Pieck's incredible speed, Reiner was far ahead in the race and was close to getting to Mr Magath so that he could cross the finish line first but before Reiner knew it, Eren had somehow managed to catch up to the blonde boy. Eren over took him, slightly but it was still pretty much evenly matched.

"Come on, Reiner, you can't lose to him!" Gabi yelled from within the crowd. She was determined that her older cousin would win the race.

Reiner continued to push on but Eren was still ahead and was almost to Mr Yeager so that he could pass the baton to him but within seconds, the brown-haired girl had gotten up and ran onto the track, punching Eren which caused him to fall to the ground. He had been knocked out.

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled, coming onto the track, Armin was following behind. They were both coming to check up on Eren.

"Lil' bro!" Mr Yeager exclaimed as he ran to his little brother, kneeling down next to him. "Your big brother's here"

In this time Reiner had passed the baton to Mr Magath and he had made it over the finish line.

"They didn't win! That's cheating!" Yelena yelled, crossing her arms. She unbelievably upset that one of her deities had been injured. "Don't worry, Mr Yeager, you can trust me to take care of Eren" She said, kneeling down next to Eren.

"Back off, Yelena!" Mikasa exclaimed towards the tall blonde girl.

"Guess you won, then" Gabi stated, proudly.

"Gabi! That's a warning! Do you want to be disqualified from any of your events?!" Miss Reiss yelled.

"No, miss Reiss" Gabi said. Reiner, Porco, Pieck and Mr Magath walked back to where they were originally stood or sat. Gabi also went to sit back down with the rest of Class 1A.

"Anyway, let us continue with the events" Miss Reiss stated.

The events continued between the students and even those who had not raced yet, participated. Miss Reiss even gave those who hadn't signed up to do any sport a choice if they wanted still wanted to participate and she would assign them a race for them to participate in even though the majority that had declined in the first place, declined again.

"Okay, next, we will have the egg and spoon race. Will the competitors please get to your positions" Miss Reiss said. A few students from each year had signed up to this race. From the third year: Rico and Ilse, second year: Bertholdt and Jean and from the first year: Gabi and Falco. The competitors all lined in in the start positions, waiting for miss Reiss.

"Are you all ready?!" Miss Reiss said.

"3, 2, 1, go!"

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