A day in the life of Class 2B

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It was homeroom. The class waited for their teacher to arrive but he never did. This was a first, Mr Yeager was never not in but apparently he had gotten really ill and couldn't come in. A familiar teacher walked into the Class 2B classroom; it was Mr Bozado.

"Okay, class, Mr Yeager is not in today so I'll be in charge of homeroom today" He said and went to sit at the desk. Yelena immediately slammed her hands on her table. How could her idol not be in? She missed him ever so much. "So just do whatever you do normally in homeroom" He said and started typing on the computer. The whole class started chatting once again. "So, this doofus is in charge of our homeroom" Ymir muttered. "That means he won't realise if there's a 'new' person in our class" Ymir smirked and laughed to herself before running out of the room yelling 'Historia!'
Mr Bozado would have stopped Ymir from running out of the room but was occupied by the giant girl in front of him as she was worried about Mr Yeager.

"Is he okay?" Yelena asked, worried, running up to Mr Bozado's desk. "Yes" He replied. "Just ill"

"What do you mean 'just ill'?!" She exclaimed. "What if he doesn't get better?! What will I do then?!" Yelena continued to yell at him and some of the class snickered. Yelena's obsession could be absolutely terrifying. "What's with you all having these armbands, anyway? Mr Yeager can be weird"

The whole class went silent, he called Mr Yeager weird in front of Yelena. Mr Bozado would not survive. "Weird?! These armbands signify how Lord Zeke is our teacher, nobody elses. It's an honour to be under such Godly reign. Do you understand what it's like to be around such a Godly presence, do you?! Anyone who disrespects him, I will make sure to punish!" Yelena yelled.

"Wait, Miss, this just a huge misunderstanding!-Ah!" He began, becoming very terrified of Yelena but managed to bite his tongue and groan in pain.

"You deserve that for speaking ill of the lord" Yelena spat.

"Idiot" Annie said and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She plugged her earphones back in and continued using her phone. She began reading a book that she was currently into at the moment, making sure to block all of the outside noise out. However, this meant she couldn't hear two of her best friends calling her. She only turned around when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She took her earphones out once again and turned around to face the male that had tapped her shoulder. It was Reiner.

"Hey, Annie" Reiner said.

"Hm? What's the matter?" She asked.

"I made a bet with Bertholdt that he couldn't beat you in an arm wrestle" He said and pointed to the black-haired boy who was visibly sweating. "T-that's not true! Don't lie, Reiner" Bertholdt stuttered, getting flustered. "Did you want to arm wrestle?" Annie questioned. "I-I mean we could, we don't have to if you don't want to" he stammered. "I don't mind" She said and picked up her chair, placing it on the opposite side of the desk where Bertholdt was sitting.

"Sorry, I'm late" A female voice said, walking through the door.

"It's fine, I haven't done the register yet, anyway" Mr Bozado said and gestured for her to sit down. "I assume Mr Yeager is ill and you're covering us" She said and Mr Bozado nodded.

The whole class turned their heads to face the girl that just walked through the door. When they saw her or rather what they saw her without made them gasp.

"Pieck?!" Porco exclaimed.

"What's up, Pock?" Pieck said and smiled, beginning to walk over to him.

"You're walking. Without a crutch! Where's your crutch?" He said, stating what everyone in the whole class was thinking.

"Oh, that. I can walk now" She said, smoothly. "Is it really that big of a deal?"

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