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-by the TheCartTitan-
Happy birthday to best girl Pieck!!!
Also just to avoid any confusion, When I mention by TheCartTitan, it's because some of these chapters are written by her.

"So, you all know what we're here to discuss, right?", Porco asked, facing Annie, Reiner, Marcel and Bertholdt.
"You want someone other than Pieck to help you with your homework because you're jealous of how smart she is and how stupid you are?", Marcel asked.
"No! That's not it!", Porco replied, his cheeks slightly reddening in embarrassment, "we're here because it's Pieck's birthday in exactly five days!".

"Oh, so you think that you can actually suprise her this year?", Reiner asked.
"If that's it then leave me out of it", Annie told them, "I know you'll just make a fool of yourself again, and I'd rather just give her my present in person".
"Yea. Also, surprising someone on their birthday is supposed to be a nice thing to do, but you and Pieck act like you're at war" Marcel stated.
"You don't understand", Porco told them, "this isn't as simple as you think it is. This is a matter of life and death".

"What's a matter of life and death, Pock?", Pieck asked, as she strutted in through the door.
"N-nothing! Why are you here, Pieck!", Porco asked, getting up from his seat.
"Well, I went to the literature club and you were all missing and I saw you guys head in this direction after class, so I figured that you were in Miss Ral's room, since she should be with the janitor about now".
"Fuck you", Porco mumbled to himself, picking up his bag quickly and putting his stuff away, "anyway, I was about to go home. Bye. See you guys tomorrow".
With that, Porco left the room and went home, leaving everyone behind.

Day 1:
"So you want me to go up to her and talk to her after school on the day?", Armin asked.
"Yes. Plan out what to talk to her about, so that it sounds natural. She already suspects us but perhaps we can use that to our advantage...", Porco told him.
"And you guys", Porco said, turning to Reiner, Marcel, Bertholdt and Annie, "are you in or not?".
"Well, your plan actually sounds good this year, so I suppose I'll help", Reiner replied.
"I agree", said Marcel and Bertholdt.
"Fine. I'll help but if it fails, it's not my fault", said Annie.

Day 2:
"Do you think you could convince her then?", Porco asked Historia.
"It shouldn't be a problem. She's always willing to bend the rules for me, so I'm sure that she'd be happy to help", Historia replied, enthusiastically.

Day 3:
"Annie and Hitch are going to take Pieck shopping after school tomorrow. Your job is to get the decorations today but make sure you don't go to the same mall as them", Porco explained.
"Okay, got it. What about the cake?", Reiner asked.
"I've already ordered it but I'm still going out to get a bunch of other things", Porco told him, "I need to make sure everything is perfect and I want a big personalised banner".

Day 4:
"So basically, we get to get out of lesson early?!", Gabi asked, eagerly.
"Yes, but don't mess anything up", Porco replied.
"Ok! I'm in!", Gabi exclaimed, jumping in excitement, "I love parties!".
"Don't worry; we won't mess it up", Falco ensured him.

Day 5 (the big day!!!):
"Happy birthday Pieck!", Porco smiled, as soon as he spotted Pieck in the morning, before lesson. He handed Pieck a present.
"Thanks for the decoy. I'll be looking forward to your 'suprise' after school, Pock", Pieck laughed.
"Well, you'll be disappointed then!", Porco replied.
"Haha, you'll never be able to decieve me, Pock!", Pieck replied.
"Stop calling me that!", Porco yelled, getting angry, which only made Pieck laugh even more.

The day passed, pretty normally, except Porco was feeling sick in second-to-last lesson, which was with Miss Reiss. Miss Reiss let him leave class to go to the nurse's office. Of course, Pieck suspected that he was faking it. She was impressed that he had managed to get a teacher to help him this year, as Miss Reiss wasn't usually very easy to convince.

After school, Armin waited for Pieck outside her classroom.
"Hey Pieck! Happy birthday!", He greeted her.
"Oh, hey Armin. Thanks", she smiled.
"Let's go to club then", Armin told her.
"Ok", Pieck replied, "but just one thing. You're working with Pock, aren't you?".
"Haha yes I am, how did you know?", Armin asked, scratching the back of his neck, as they walked towards the library.
"Your acting has been great, but I figured that Pock would send someone to lead me to the decoy, and you've been talking to me a lot in the past few days.", Pieck explained.

"Haha, that's smart", he replied, "and I suppose you've figured out that the party will be in the library too",
"Yea. Should I pretend to be surprised when we go in?", Pieck asked, as they arrived and stood outside the library.
"Nah", Armin told her.
"Okay then", Pieck laughed.

Pieck opened the door and, just as she expected, the room was decorated with banners and there were tables set up, the one in the middle, which was decorated with candles, containing a cake.
"Haha Pock! I knew you'd set up a suprise for me" Pieck laughed, "and that you got Miss Reiss in on it, and that you sent Armin to bring me here and that Annie and Hitch only took me out so that you guys could get stuff done".

"Aarrrgh!", Porco yelled, jumping out of his hiding place, his face red with anger, "I just wanted to suprise you at least once!".
In Porco's anger, he knocked the cake and some candles off the table, causing them to smash to the ground and set the wooden floor on fire.

"Porco! What's wrong with you!", Marcel yelled, getting out of his hiding place.
"Oh, does this mean that we get to die?", Reiner stated.
Annie stepped out of her hiding place, rolling her eyes.
"Um, I think we should probably get out of here", Bertholdt suggested.

As if on queue, the fire alarms went off and they all hurried outside.
"I'm sorry I ruined your suprise", said Porco
"It's okay, Pock", Pieck replied.
"I can't believe you set the place on fire! We're going to be in so much trouble!", Marcel exclaimed.
"It was worth it", Porco laughed, as he opened the door that lead to the front playground of the school.

There were decorations everywhere - class 1A, who Miss Reiss was supposed to have a lesson with, had set up tables of snacks and decorations. In the middle was a table with a three tier cake and above it was a banner that read 'IN YOUR FACE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY'. There were also people from all classes, that knew Pieck, everywhere and they all shouted 'Happy Birthday!' once she stepped outside.

"You really are insane, Pock", Pieck laughed, "to think you'd come up with something like that".
"I win! You weren't exactly right! In your face! I made the best birthday surprise ever!", Porco yelled.
"Alright you did", Pieck laughed, as they all proceeded to enjoy the party.

"Did you know all along?", Armin asked Pieck once the party was over and they were clearing away.
"What makes you say that?" Pieck asked.
"You mentioned something about my job being to lead you to the decoy. Also, you didn't seem to panic at all when Porco set the library on fire", Armin explained.
"You're not the top of your class for nothing", Pieck laughed, " but let's let Pock have all the glory this year".

Then they all went home after a fun and tiring day.

The next day:
Porco had just stepped into school when he heard yelling and someone coming up to him.
"You set the Library on fire!! I didn't know you were going to such extreme measures just to suprise Pieck! You've got 3 hours detention and I expect you to pay for the damages!", Miss Reiss yelled, before marching off.
"Still worth it, Pock?", Pieck asked, poking Porco in the shoulder.
"Yes!", Porco shouted at her.
"Don't worry. I'll help you pay for it", Pieck laughed before making her way to class.

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