In the name of Cake

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Another one by TheCartTitan

"Sasha!", Niccolo called, running up to his girlfriend and giving her a hug, "I brought you a lot of treats today!".
Niccolo reached into his bag and pulled out a container full of Pizza and another one containing chocolate cake.
"Oh, Niccolo, you're a genius!" Sasha exclaimed, almost tearing up from her boyfriend's generosity, "I love ya so much!".
"That's alright. I love it when my cooking makes you happy", Niccolo replied with a warm smile.

Sasha and Niccolo then proceeded to find a place to sit and eat their lunch. They decided to take a seat under a tree, since it was quite a bright, sunny day. Sasha placed the container of pizza on her lap and the container of cake next to her, as they were going to eat the pizza first. While they were eating, Armin approached them holding a clipboard.
"Eren's forcing me to do this survey", Armin explained before asking them a few questions.

Across from them, Gabi, Falco from Class 1B and Kaya from class 1A sat and ate the sandwiches that their parents had given them for lunch.

"It's not fair! I want a boyfriend like Niccolo", Gabi groaned, throwing her sandwich back into her lunchbox, "He always gives Sasha delicious food! I want cake too but no one will give me any!".
"Yeah, I heard that Niccolo is a great Chef. Sasha is really lucky", Kaya added, staring longingly at the large container of cake that lay beside Sasha's lap.

"I will get you some cake!", Falco declared, eager to impress Gabi, who he secretly had a crush on.
Falco crept behind the tree Sasha and Niccolo were sitting under and swiftly snatched away the container with the cake. Luckily, the couple were so busy talking to Armin that neither of them noticed.

Falco hurried back to Gabi and Kaya where they all cheered in his success.

Just then, the bell rung, signalling the end of lunch.
"I suppose we'll have to eat this after school then", Falco sighed, stuffing the container into his backpack. Then the three of them ran to their next lesson.

Meanwhile, Sasha and Niccolo had finished their pizza and had decided to have just one slice of cake before parting in order to go to lesson. Sasha reached beside her, only to feel grass and realise that the container was gone. She got up and started to search frantically for her precious chocolate cake around the tree but it was no where to be found. Sasha started to scream and panic; who had stolen her precious cake?
"The cake! It's gone!", Sasha cried, as tears started to flood down her cheeks.
"It's fine, I'll find it. I promise", Niccolo replied, trying, desperately to calm her down, "let's just go to lesson now".
He took his girlfriend's hand and guiding her to her next lesson.

On their way there, they came across Connie, who was strolling to his lesson.
"Hey-", Connie started but he paused when he saw Sasha's state.
"What happened to her?", he asked Niccolo.
"I brought her some cake but she lost it so now she's upset", Niccolo explained, "can you take her to lesson? I'm late and I have Mr Yeager".
"Okay", Connie replied, before guiding Sasha back to their lesson.

When school finally finished, Falco, Gabi and Kaya eagerly burst out of class, excited to try Niccolo's famous cake.
"I need to go to the toilet. Wait for me", Gabi told Falco.
"I'll go with you", Kaya said, before they both went into the female toilet.
Falco rolled his eyes and waited on a bench for his friends to come out, just outside the female toilets.

Falco sighed as he knew Kaya and Gabi would take ages. His stomach squelched since he hadn't eaten the sandwich he was supposed to have had for lunch. After looking around and noticing that the corridor was empty, apart from two blonde second years talking to eachother, he decided that it wouldn't hurt to eat just a tiny bit of the cake.

As soon as he tasted the cake, he was overwhelmed by the deliciousness of it and all his thoughts immediately focused on eating the cake and enjoying its incredible flavours. He was so indulged that he didn't notice when a group of second years, including Sasha, Niccolo, Connie, Reiner and Colt started making their way down the corridor.

"Hey!", A voice shouted.
Falco didn't even bother to look up, not knowing that the voice was addressing him.
"How dare you steal my girlfriend's cake", Niccolo yelled walking up to the blonde first year.
"Huh?", Falco replied, his brain not processing what was going on fast enough.
"You're a dirty thief!", Niccolo shouted, as he snatched away the container, catching the attention of almost everyone that was passing.

"Why are you bullying my little brother?", Colt asked, noticing Falco and Niccolo. His tone seemed aggressive as he approached Niccolo.
Niccolo didn't know what to say. He wasn't usually the kind of person who would get into a fight so he, on instinct, stepped back when Colt approached him.

Meanwhile, Eren had forced Armin to do a survey around the school on creating a new society called the 'Yeagerists'. The society would work to make Eren and Mr. Zeke in charge of the school, instead of Mr. Zackly. Armin thought it was pointless and it has been pretty unsuccessful (apart from with Yelena, Floch and Mikasa, of course) but he had to do it anyway because otherwise Eren would probably get angry again. After school, he had noticed Annie walking down the corridor, alone so he decided to ask her some questions from the survey. Well, he told himself that he was just wanting to ask her questions from the survey but he really just wanted an excuse to get Annie to talk to him - especially since he had been pretty bored for the whole day.

That was when Niccolo bumped into him from behind, knocking him and Annie over in the process. After the impact, Armin realised that he had fallen right on top of Annie. As he tried to lift himself up, he realised that their noses were almost touching and that he was so close to her that he could feel her heartbeat on his chest. Her face reflected the same colour as his - a hot pink colour - but she made no attempt to shove him off, even though Armin knew she could pull his organs out if she wanted to.

"Why are you touching my best friend?!", Hitch squealed, when she saw Annie lying on the floor, with Armin on top of her.
"No! It's not like that!" Armin screamed, his face the colour of a tomato as he scrambled to get off her, "I was just asking her for important information!".
"Since you're a guy, I can see why you would want important information about Annie", Hitch replied, as she helped Annie get back onto her feet.
Armin was so embarrassed that he immediately fled from the corridor, hoping that no one else had noticed the little incident.

"So", Hitch said to Annie after watching him leave.
"So what?", Annie asked, putting the hood of her hoodie on.
"He definitely has a crush on you. Do you like him back?", Hitch smirked.
Annie sighed.
"Let's just go home", she replied, covering her pink face and purposely avoiding the question. This, of course, only annoyed Hitch who then refused to stop pestering Annie for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, Gabi had come out of the toilet and started complaining about what had happened to Reiner.
"You stole cake from Sasha and Niccolo??", Reiner exclaimed.
"Um, well, I deserve the cake because I'm adorable", Gabi tried to explain.
"You don't just steal things from people!", Reiner told her.

After Reiner had given Gabi, Falco and Kaya a long telling off, he explained what had really happened to Colt who then turned to Niccolo and apologised.

"That's fine", Niccolo smiled, scratching the back of his neck, "I don't know why I got so angry anyway. I suppose seeing Sasha so upset just made me loose my mind".

Niccolo promised to bring enough cake for everyone the tomorrow, so that they could all try his cooking. From that day forward, Niccolo was known well around the school for being such a great Chef and such a generous person in general.

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