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This is so late but I wanted to do a birthday chapter dedicated to Gabi and I will be doing chapters from now on dedicated to characters on their birthdays.
Happy Birthday, Gabi!!!

It was the end of the day and the young black-haired girl slowly walked down the hall, gripping her backpack. Her face was showing a frown as she slumped down the hallway. Her friends had gone straight home for some reason and Falco wasn't in due to him getting sick. She couldn't help but feel sad.

She sniffled, slightly as tears pricked her eyes. "It's not fair" She sniffled. Today, her hair was tied in a low ponytail and she let her fringe fall down her face. "Has everyone forgotten about my birthday?! It's supposed to be my day today! Where is everyone?!" Gabi yelled and kicked a nearby locker. She continued walking to the lunch hall and on the way she bumped into someone which knocked her to the floor.

"Huh?" She said, looking up at the male figure.

"Brat, watch where you're going!" Eren yelled. "I don't need to socialise with the likes of you. Oh, you're the brat that stole Sasha's cake, aren't you?!"

"You're from class 2A!" She yelled, immediately getting back up. "I hate your class and your whole side! So why don't you get out of my way!"
She was getting even more upset now due to him bullying her and tears threatened to fall as she yelled.
"Gabi, don't get so worked up. Class 2A are devils" She told herself, trying to comfort herself.

"Shut up! Back off you insolent brat before I get even angrier!" He shouted back at her. She fell to the floor once again, in fear. 'Why can't I move?' She thought as she trembled in fear. 'Just devils' she thought again.

A female hand was placed onto Eren's shoulder, causing him to turn around. "It's not nice to bully such a young girl" The familiar female voice said and Gabi recognised it immediately. "Pieck!" Gabi exclaimed.

"You're Eren Yeager" Pieck said. "Am I correct?"

He shoved her hand off of his shoulder and glared daggers at her. "What if you are? What are you going to do about my bullying this idiotic brat?" Eren said to her, invading her personal space.

"So immature. If you were truly mature perhaps you wouldn't take out your anger on this innocent girl. Bullying doesn't make you the school hero, Eren. It just makes you a jerk" Pieck stated, smirking. "Maybe you should think about that with -you know- what little bit of a brain you have"

Eren was fuming at this point, Pieck was really pissing him off but as he got more ticked off, Pieck couldn't help but smile more.

"You're really starting to get on my nerves, you fucking moron" Eren yelled, right in her face.

"Such rude language, Eren" Pieck mocked. "Is that how you treat a lady?"

"None of you fucking assholes from class 2B and 1B deserve the right to be respected or acknowledged. Look at this thief, a prime example of your stupidity" Eren continued, yelling.

"Are you really in any position to be disrespecting any of us? You're just a bully, Eren. A big jerk to put it bluntly. You think acting like a psycopath makes you cool? Well, you're sorely mistaken. You intend to hurt our feelings but it won't work" She replied, making Eren even more pissed off. He continued yelling at Pieck but she was unphased.

"This just proves how much of an immature jerk you are; grow up, Eren. You're just raising your voice for no reason. You think it makes you seem big and strong?" She said. "Well, you're wrong. So, like I said before: with what little brain you have left, think about your actions and their consequences" she said and pointed to his head.

"Pieck, what's going on?" Porco asked, walking up to the three. He noticed Gabi on the floor looking slightly terrified of Eren but Pieck was being cool and defending her. "Oh, just telling Eren off. He's been bullying little Gabi" She said.

"Yeager, why don't you just back off for once" Porco said, already getting annoyed without even hearing the ongoing argument.

"Here's a question for you: In this situation, who's the real enemy?" Eren asked.

"That's an easy question to answer" Pieck said and smirked, pointing directly at Eren. "He's over there"

"Tch" Eren rolled his eyes before walking off.

"Hmph, bastard" Porco mumbled to himself.

"Pieck!" Gabi exclaimed once again, getting up and giving her a hug. "Thank you"

"I'm sorry that Eren was bullying you. Are you okay now? You looked very upset" Pieck asked, concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm tough! Nothing like that will get me down so easily" Gabi said.

Pieck chuckled and patted Gabi's head, smiling. "Let's get out of school, shall we? It's such a bummer just being here. Come on, I'll take you home" Pieck said. "Come on, Porco"

The three walked home together, Gabi bragging about her achievements in school and that she was constantly topping her class and she was being loud as usual but soon went back to being sad, thinking about how no one was making a big deal out of her birthday.

"Happy birthday, by the way, Gabi" Pieck said and smiled.

"Happy Birthday" Porco said.

"At least you two remembered" Gabi said, smiling a little.

"Oh, looks like we're here" Pieck said and rang the door bell. The door opened and the three walked in. The corridor was silent and as soon as they got into the living room, they saw that it was filled with all of Gabi's friends and family.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday!" They all yelled, including Pieck and Porco.

"Everyone?!" Gabi exclaimed, tearing up as she saw everyone. She scanned the room and saw Falco. "Falco, I thought you were ill"

"Yeah, about that, I skipped school today to set up the party for your birthday" He said and scratched the back of his neck, blushing. Unexpected to him, he was embraced in a hug by Gabi. This caused him to blush an even darker pink. "Thank you" She said, a smile covering her whole face.

"Happy birthday, Gabi" Reiner said, crouching down to give her a hug. "Reiner!" She yelled, hugging him back. "Gabi, my ears" Reiner chuckled.

"I knew that I was so important that everyone couldn't have forgotten about my birthday!" She exclaimed.

"Hey, Gabi, I think Falco has something for you" Zofia said, pointing towards the blonde-haired boy who had a dark pink blush spread across his cheeks. Falco handed Gabi the present and fiddled with his fingers, not wanting to look her straight in the eye. She happily opened it. She was overwhelmingly happy that Falco had gotten her a present. She took the present out of the box.

"I-I saw you looking at it in the store window and y-you said y-you really wanted it" Falco stuttered. She held the armoured titan plushie in her hands before hugging it. "Falco, I love it!" She exclaimed, before hugging him once again. 

Gabi continued to open her presents one by one. She absolutely loved all the attention.

"Thanks, everyone" She smiled.

From that day forward Eren never messed with Class 2B ever again.

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