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"I can't do this. It's killing me." Yeosang gasped dramatically.

"Yeo, you literally just walked up the stairs." Seonghwa giggled while shaking his head.

Yeosang shook his head in disagreement. It wasn't the stairs that was killing him, it was Seonghwa's presence and scent that was killing him.

"Don't judge me. I had a long ass day today." Yeosang muttered before undressing himself by his closet.

Seonghwa thought that Yeosang undressing in front of him was a very bold move.

"So bold of you to assume I can control myself." Seonghwa muttered sassily.

"Hm?" Yeosang headed straight into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Nothing." Seonghwa scoffed. His canines pierced his bottom lip as he contained a sound of approval.

"He has a nice cute body." He muttered as he sat in the sofa chair that was placed in the corner of the room.

He threw his head back while closing his eyes. His head was filled with too many thoughts at that moment. He was too distracted for so long to realize that Yeosang was already done with his shower.

Seonghwa gulped as he felt Yeosang straddle his lap. He slowly looked at the Hybrid, his eyes tinted with a reddish color.

"I've been calling you for like five minutes. Do I have to sit on your lap to get your attention?" Yeosang giggled before standing up.

Seonghwa gulped once more when he saw that Yeosang had on a pair of short shorts and a sweater he had stole from Seonghwa.

"Is that my sweater?" Seonghwa chuckled as he stared at Yeosang's pale thighs.

"Yup" The hybrid said before carelessly throwing himself onto his bed. His ear twitched a bit as he sat up straight, looking straight at the other.

Seonghwa bit his lip in frustration as he looked at the cute hybrid. His intense glare gave off the vibe of lust and hunger.

Yeosang was too naive to notice it though.

"Are you sleeping over tonight?" Yeosang asked cutely with his head tilted to the side.

Seonghwa shook his head as his throat went dry. He knew that if he stayed, he would be tempted to devour the small boy.

"Nope. Can't do that." He said while standing up.

He walked over to the bedroom door, only to feel a hand tugging at the back of his shirt.

"Please." Yeosang pouted.

Seonghwa shook his head without looking at the smaller boy.

"Maybe tomorrow." He muttered before leaving the house.

Yeosang shrugged before turning on his tv and heading over to his bed.

"I guess more tv for me." He said with a small smile.

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