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Seonghwa laid on the sofa while watching Yeosang and Jongho cuddle. Suho and Lay had left already and went home.

He felt his skin itch just by looking at the two cling to each other.

"Don't we have school tomorrow?" Seonghwa asked. It was evident that he was annoyed.

"That is true....I'll start heading home. We did move down the street anyway." Jongho chuckled before standing up.

Yeosang frowned, but smiled when he got a hug in return.

"Come walk me out." Jongho said with a smirk while looking at Seonghwa.

He nodded in suspicion before following Jongho to the door.

Just as the two got to the door, Jongho let out a small chuckle. The other glared at him while biting his tongue to not say anything rash. Seonghwa didn't want to jump out the window while having a few words with Jongho.

"I'm nowhere near interested in Yeosang. He is like my cousin or brother, either or really. I actually have eyes on someone else. If you truly like Yeo, you wouldn't standby and watch someone else be with him so easily." Jongho said before letting himself out.

Seonghwa stood by the door quietly, letting those words sink into him.

"Who said I like him?" Seonghwa scoffed to himself.

But he knew he couldn't lie to himself.

He had practically fallen for the cute hybrid.

Fallen in Love.

"Seonghwa?! Are you going to sleep on the couch or in my room?!" Yeosang yelled from upstairs.

Seonghwa shook his head of any thoughts and raced upstairs to get ready for bed.


Seonghwa took a few deep breaths while looking a Yeosang. The cute boy was helping a few students with something.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon questioned as he graded a few papers. He was quite used to having his son come to his class. Seonghwa would sit in Namjoon's class as if he didn't have a class to attend on his own.

He wanted to sit in that class, particularly because of the fact that Yeosang had English that hour.

"Nothing is Wrong." Seonghwa said as stared at Yeosang. It looked like he was having a small disagreement with a boy, who was irritating the hybrid.

"Something is Wrong." Namjoon chuckled before sipping his cup of coffee that sat on his desk.

He had never seen Seonghwa so interested or serious about someone.

"I just want to say that I'm not really serious about anyone.....but if anyone hurts Yeosang, I will kick their fucking knees in." He said angrily.

Namjoon started choking harshly.

"What the- go to class Seonghwa." Namjoon muttered as he sat his coffee down. He could never get used to Seonghwa's random outbursts.

The said boy couldn't bring himself to go to class though. He was too busy paying attention to Yeosang.

"I already said no. Now leave me alone." Yeosang muttered angrily to the student.

"Why not though? You and Lucas don't really seem like a real couple, and it's clear that mister popular has eyes on you, but he won't make a move." The student said while glancing at Seonghwa. It was clear to everyone that he was watching Yeosang.

"I said no and that's final. I have no intentions of dating you or anybody at this school." Yeosang muttered angrily as he slapped the boy's hand off of him.

He was about to touch Yeosang again, until a hand gripped his hand tightly.

"Don't touch him." Seonghwa said in a dangerously low voice. His eyes grew crimson as his fangs drew out a bit.

"I-it's no big deal." The boy stuttered as he yanked his hand away.

Seonghwa stared at him intensely, but backed away when he felt a hand tug his shirt.

"It's okay." Yeosang said with a soft smile.

Seonghwa couldn't help but to smile a bit. There was a little moment between them before the bell rung.

"Let's go to lunch." The hybrid said before dragging Seonghwa out of the classroom.

The other allowed himself to be dragged. He was honestly so whipped for Yeosang. He could be getting pushed off a bridge, and he would let it happen, only if it was Yeosang.

His thoughts were cut short when he heard a few familiar voices.

"Seonghwa! Buy me lunch!" Mingi whined.

"What the hell? Isn't your parents richer than rich?" He questioned as he sat in between Yeosang and Hongjoong.

"Yes?" The other answered while scratching his head in a questionable way.

"I'll pay for it." Yunho said as he sat at the round table.

Mingi looked at him as if he saw a angel, which he did.

Hongjoong scoffed at the whole scene, especially when Wooyoung and San came to the table, acting like the clingy bestfriends they were.

Nobody at the table were officially couples, but Hongjoong knew that he was the only one that didn't have a plus one like everyone else.

Yunho and Mingi were the born soulmates that were bestfriends, which was painful to watch since it was clear that they were in love.

Wooyoung and San were the star cross lovers that had strong sexual tension, while they claimed they were just close friends.

Yeosang and Seonghwa were once friends, turned enemies, and were now headed into a clueless but obvious direction.

Hongjoong just felt that he was alone and by himself.

He was about to make a sound of sadness from being lonely until he heard a unfamiliar voice.

"Hey Yeo and Seonghwa. Hello group of friends." Jongho said while sitting at the table. He sat in the only available seat, which was next to Hongjoong.

Hongjoong couldn't lie that he felt his heart do a double take when Jongho sat next to him.

"Hello new guy!" Mingi said cheerfully.

"This is my cousin, Jongho." Yeosang introduced.

Hongjoong pursed his lips at the mention of cousin. He thought it was weird to think that Jongho was cute if Seonghwa was obviously going to be with Yeosang. Seonghwa was his cousin, the thought of dating Yeosang's cousin weirded him out a bit.

Hey guys, I'm dating my cousin's boyfriend's cousin.

He didn't even know if Jongho was into guys.

"I didn't know your Uncle Baekhyun had kids." San said as he eyed the chicken nuggets that were on Wooyoung's tray.

"He doesn't." Yeosang chuckled.

"We aren't actually related though. We feel like family though." Jongho said as he smiled at everyone at the table.

Hongjoong let out a deep breath, that didn't go unnoticed.

"You're the cute orange haired guy in the pictures Yeosang shows me. Hongjoong, right?" Jongho said as he looked at Hongjoong.

Hongjoong blushed madly as he hid his face in his sweater paws. He nodded slightly, making everyone smile at how flustered he was.

"You're even cuter in person." Jongho said with a wink.

Seonghwa smiled a little while realizing who Jongho had his eyes set on.

"That will get my cousin out of the way, all that is left is Lucas." Seonghwa muttered to himself quietly. Only one person heard him.

He earned a slap to the head by Hongjoong.

"I also hope that you get a loving boyfriend." Seonghwa muttered to Hongjoong.

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