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Seonghwa sat in a barstool at the kitchen bar, sipping a cup of tea. He was really disturbed about what he just heard.

He was happy to know that Yeosang being there was permanent.

But the reason was considered sinister.

He listened to Baekhyun's story about the trial. At first he was excited to hear it, but once he heard the crimes being listed, he felt his blood turn cold.

"Just to think that I judged him when he first came." Seonghwa bitterly said to himself.

He honestly felt like he hurt Yeosang.

It was crazy how he didn't know that it was opposite though. Yeosang actually saw him as his safe haven and his way of life feeling normal and lively.

"Seonghwa?" Yeosang called out. The small boy came walking into the kitchen wearing Seonghwa's sweatpants and sweater.

"Yes?" Seonghwa said as he looked at the cute hybrid. He honestly wanted to squish him in his arms.

"What are you doing?" Yeosang asked as he climbed onto the barstool next to Seonghwa. He had just finished talking to Chanyeol and Baekhyun about what happened.

He was so happy that he started crying.

"Just thinking to myself." Seonghwa muttered to himself. His finger tips kept tapping at the file he took from Chanyeol's bag. He looked at everything except for the pictures of Yeosang's back.

The hybrid looked at the file curiously before taking it.

He opened it to see signed adoption papers and papers from court. The picture of his back was in the back of the file, tucked away.

"So you know now...." Yeosang whispered.

Seonghwa nodded as he sipped his drink before sitting the cup down.

"I won't treat you any differently if that's what you were worried about. But please don't hide anything else from me." Seonghwa said before hugging Yeosang tightly.

The hybrid smiled softly as he felt Seonghwa kiss the top of his head.


Yeosang got dropped off at school by Baekhyun and Chanyeol the next day. He had grown a habit to waking up beside Seonghwa everyday, so today felt different.

He wandered the halls aimlessly. He had taken another pair of sweatpants and a hoodie from Seonghwa before the boy left his house.

The outfit swamped his small frame adorably.

"Hey!" A voice called out.

Yeosang turned around to see a cute boy running towards him.

"Hi?" Yeosang responded.

"Are you okay? You passed out in class yesterday." The cute boy said.

Yeosang nodded and smiled softly. He was touched by the fact that the boy was genuinely worried and not asking about the Lucas ordeal.

"What's your name?" Yeosang asked.

"Jisung, I'm the guy who Minho is dating."

Yeosang looked at him with shock written all over his face.

"He is right! You are so gorgeous!"

Jisung blushed at Yeosang's comment.

"Thank You." He muttered.

"You're Welcome." Yeosang said as he pinched Jisung's squirrel-like cheeks.

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