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"Why did you leave so suddenly?"

Yeosang just looked at him and let out a little laugh.

"Seonghwa, if I told you, you wouldn't treat me the same." Yeosang sighed.

He didn't want Seonghwa to see him differently. Yeosang honestly thought that once people knew the truth, they would look at him as fragile or weak.

He honestly thought that Seonghwa was the only one that didn't see him as fragile, which was right.

Seonghwa looked at Yeosang as unbreakable. That's why he never cared if his words were too harsh or mean.

Whether it be his close friends who knew about his issues at home, or strangers who looked at his size, Seonghwa was the only person who didn't see him as soft.

"Would you tell me soon?" Seonghwa muttered as he sat on the foot of the bed.

He didn't even bother giving Yeosang any of the cookies as he began to eat the double stuffed Oreo's.

"Sure." Yeosang said as he reached for an Oreo.

Seonghwa was quick to slap his hand away with a smirk.

"These are mine, go get your own." Seonghwa said.

Yeosang sighed before leaving the room to go to the kitchen.

Seonghwa just laughed as he continued to eat the cookies. He thought it was funny how those cookies were originally for Yeosang.

Just as he was about to put another cookie into his mouth, he heard screaming. He could hear someone stomping up the stairs.

"Those are mine! My uncle bought those for me!" Yeosang screamed.

Seonghwa chuckled as he kept eating the cookie. His laugh was cut short as Yeosang jumped on him and started hitting him.

"Okay!" Seonghwa screeched when he felt Yeosang sniff his hair. He didn't know why, but he started to panic.

"What?" Yeosang giggled before taking the pack of cookies. He sat on the bed, mindlessly munching away, not caring that he put Seonghwa into a whole gay panic mode.


A loud ring interrupted Seonghwa from talking.

"Who was that?" Yeosang asked himself when he picked up the phone. He saw that he had a message from someone.


Hey Yeosang☺️

Hey Lucas<

>I wanted to know if you're free
>I don't have football practice today
>I can pick you up?

I'm free<
Here's my address<

I'll be there in 10 min.

Seonghwa watched Yeosang smile while typing on the phone.

"Hello? I'm still here." Seonghwa said while feeling irritated and forgotten.

"Oh, I know." Yeosang said as he put his phone into his pocket. Seonghwa scoffed as he watched Yeosang walk over to the walk-in closet.

"What are you doing?" Seonghwa asked as he scrolled through his Instagram feed.

"Picking out a cute outfit." Yeosang singed as he shifted through the clothes while undressing himself at the same time.

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