It's Bad Because Qwill's Actually Works

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"I think that was one of the worst clean up montages that I've ever experienced."

"That's because you weren't in the montage, Sarah."

"Shut up Qwill." Sarah takes a sip from the water bottle she's been carrying around with her, and flops onto the couch. "It's taken us more than three hours to clean your shit up, by the way."

"Yeah, but it was worth it," Qwill replies, flopping onto the couch along with her. He spreads his arms out, like he's praising the sky, and says, "That was probably the most lit party I've thrown yet."

Kayla nods her head, and sits down on the floor. "Hmm... maybe, but I still feel like that one college party we sneaked into a few years back tops the list."

Qwill quickly whacks Kayla on the head, and hisses, "Stop ruining my moment!"

"Guys, calm down, it was fun for all of us," Ryan playfully baps the two in the head, and chuckles.

"Easy for you to say," Qwill pouts, crossing his arms like a child would. "You had Mitchell tag along with you the entire time."

"I was actually drunk for most of that time, so don't," I quip.

"That didn't stop you from messing around, though," Sarah giggles. She waggles her eyebrows in my direction, and I automatically understand what she's referring to.

I throw a pillow at her face and my face turns red. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

Sarah just laughs, and doesn't say anything else. And she doesn't need to, because it's just enough to leave Kayla confused. It's quiet for a moment, no one really is sure of what to say.

"What the fuck, Sarah." I can't believe her, she's nice and friendly one moment and spilling beans the next.

"Are we... missing something here?" Kayla asks, arching an eyebrow. She looks between me and Ryan, her head slowly tilting with each glance. And after a few revolutions, her eyebrows crease, and her jaw drops open. "No way."


"No. Fucking. Way."

My face burns red, and I can't hide it. I try to push my face into the crook of Ryan's neck, but he doesn't let me escape. So I just sit there, embarrassment coursing through me.

"I should have known as soon as you two fucking showed up for game night!" She exclaims, and topples over Qwill in order to get to Sarah. "And you knew and didn't tell me? Why?"

"I just figured out," Sarah shrugs.

"Well," the hyena scoffs, and turns her attention back to us. "I needed this in my life. God, you two are cute together." She starts fawning over us immediately, which makes me feel even more awkward.

"It's not that important..." I mumble. "I mean... we haven't done anything that drastic yet."

"He means that they haven't fucked yet," Sarah whispers in Kayla's ear, and the two promptly cough out their remaining air from how hard they both laugh. 

"You guys, seriously," Ryan hisses. "We decided to take this thing slow, for Mitchell's sake. We're just kinda letting it go wherever, okay?"

Sarah snorts, and she laughs, "So what? You haven't even touched each other yet?" When Ryan's face flushes even more red, the answer can't be any more clear. "Oh my God, you two are like nuns with this shit!"

"Yes, nuns," Kayla agrees, and the two high-five as if they just came up with the greatest roast in the galaxy. Fuck you, guys.

Just Another Romance (A Gay Furry Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now