What Happened Next (Mild NSFW)

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Ryan won't let go of my hand as we drive home, and I've come to expect just how affectionate that small act is. Even when he really should be using two hands to turn, he still holds onto my hand and runs his thumb over my knuckles.

"I'm not going to get us into an accident, I promise," He tells me when I start to get worried. And he squeezes my hand for extra measure.

"I know, but..." But my paranoia gets the best of me, sadly.

He squeezes my hand harder, and looks me in the eye. "You'll be fine," He says. "I've got you covered."

We let the rest of the ride sit in silence, and the only noise that really comes out of us is the slight whimper I let out when Ryan runs his fingers down the back of my neck. I get this tingly feeling as he does it, and I can see the goosebumps forming on my arms.

When we get back to the apartment parking lot, there's a rather abrupt ending to our hand-holding. I miss the warmth of his hand in mine, and I whine a bit as we walk into the apartment lobby.

"It's okay, Pup," Ryan whispers to me as he gives the guy at the desk a nod. "I just don't really know how people feel about us here."

He gives me a discreet kiss on top of my head when no one's looking, and we go into the elevator. There's an older lady waiting to go up, and we just barely make it in the carriage before the automated door closes.

It's sort of awkward going up, though the woman cuts the silence.

"I haven't heard you around here before," she says quietly, and she motions her cane towards me. She's been staring at the elevator door for what seems like forever, and I almost wonder how she would have seen me through the shades she's wearing.

Ryan laughs softly and covers for me. "Mitchell's been hanging out at my place for the last few days, so that might be why."

"Ah," she replies, and shifts her weight so she can extend her hand out to me. "Nice to meet you, I'm Mrs. Clove."

I extend my own hand, though my manners don't exactly guide mine to her own hand. There's a few awkward reaches from the woman as she tries to find my hand, and my concern for her depth perception goes up a bit.

When we finally clasp hands together, she smiles and I say, "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Mitchell, Ryan's friend."

My mind screams lies, but I ignore it. One kiss doesn't mean anything, right? Okay, it was several kisses, but that is besides the point.

"You must be a tough guy for a handshake like that," Mrs. Clove laughs, and pulls away from our handshake.

"Um..." I give myself a once-over, just to show how not tough I really look. "I'm just skinny, is all..." I let out a weird sounding chuckle, it's probably a nervous but awkwardly obvious one.

"Mhmm," Ryan smiles, and shakes Mrs. Clive's hand as well. The elevator dings, and the door opens, to which Ryan says, "This is our floor, I'll see ya around sometime, Mrs. Clove."

Ryan rushes me out the way after she says her goodbye, and the elevator door closes behind us. Before we go back to the apartment, I let out an odd little laugh and say, "Well she was weird."

"Hmm?" Ryan doesn't hear me well the first time, and I repeat my words. He then makes an 'o' with his mouth and feigns shock as he replies, "Why would you make fun of a blind person like that?"

"Wh-what!?" I shriek, and cover my mouth when I realize how loud I am. My ears flatten down as I mutter to myself a few things that are rather derogatory and aren't quite worth saying.

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