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That radiant wave of accomplishment washes over me as I finish working on the last measure, previewing my work one last time. Sure enough, everything sounds right to me; nothing sounds wonky, and is full enough that I'm content with what I've done. My MIDI keyboard, at this point, has been mutilated enough to the point that I'm not sure whether it's in need of tone repair or if I need it instead.

I'm joking of course. I would actually cry if something happened to that baby.

I've been working nonstop, and it's paid off, I think. I don't know how long it's taken me, but for some reason I feel really happy with this.

The apartment door opens from behind me, and Ryan steps inside. I turn around, and jump out of my seat when I finally see my boyfriend. He's carrying something, but he is holding it in such a way that I can't see what it is. He makes a point of hiding whatever it is behind his back as he sets some bags on the kitchen counter, and my first instinct is to rush up to him and give a crushing hug.

"Hi," I say cutely as I squish myself more and more into his chest. We pull apart, and I ask, "How was work?"

Ryan shrugs. "Eh, nothing much. Busy, as usual. What's up?"

I joyously bounce up and down, pointing towards my keyboard as I make tiny little hops toward Ryan. "I finished my soooong~"

Ryan just chuckles, and the crinkle of paper sounds as he shifts his weight.

"What's behind your back?"

Ryan grins, and makes it even more obvious that he's hiding something by sliding his other hand behind his back. "Nothing~" he singsongs, and starts walking backward.

I trail behind him, playfully swatting at him in order to get a look-see at it. "It's a present, isn't it?"

"Pup, Christmas was a while ago," Ryan chuckles.

"I know, but..." I let out an exaggerated sigh, and groan, "what is it?"

Ryan thinks for a moment, and finally concedes. "I was gonna wait until later today, but... I guess it can wait." He pulls the package out from behind him, and hands it towards me. "You've got maaaaiiillllll~"

I run my fingers along the fine brown packing paper, reading the mailing label. "It doesn't say where it's from... just that it's addressed to me." That's odd, I think, but I start reading open the package without a second's hesitation.

If only tape were so easy to take off.

While I look around for something to tear the tape, Ryan pulls out a second surprise. "There's also a letter, addressed to you as well."

"Really?" I ask. He just nods, and I forget about my package. I swap the almost open brown paper package for a crisp white envelope with dazzling accuracy, tossing the mail paper onto the couch. I don't mean to forget about it later on.

I take the envelope and start opening it, not even thinking to look at who sent it. Inside is a piece of paper; a letter, of course, printed on fine white copy paper. A unfamiliar signature is scrawled near the bottom, but it's the name that catches me off guard.

"Who's it from?" Ryan asks, helping himself to some ice cream from the freezer.

I read over the letter, trying to comprehend it in its entirety. That can't be right. I can't... there's no way... a smile creeps up onto my face, and it catches the attention of my dark wolf.

"What's up?"

I laugh; a good, wholesome one, because this is such great news. "Let me read it out loud," I tell him, and prompt myself to read.

Just Another Romance (A Gay Furry Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now