Telling The Story

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Ryan won't stop hugging me.

When he came back into the room, that's the first thing he did; he wrapped his arms around me, and he has not let go since then. It's cute, but my hand is asleep and I can't feel it anymore.

"Hey, uh..." I awkwardly begin, and I lick the nook of Ryan's arm lightly. "Can you let go for a moment? I can't feel my arm."

"Oh!" Ryan laughs nervously, and he finally pries his arms away from my small form.

"Thank God," I mumble, and I start massaging my senseless hand. "I love you, but jeez, my nerves get tired really quick."

Ryan just laughs, and he looks down for a moment. He's staring at this card in his hands, and I have half the mind to ask him what it is. And I do.

"Oh! It's nothing," Ryan jumps, and stashes the card in the pocket of his pants. "Just some weird card this guy gave me, lol."




"Did you actually just say the word lol?"

Ryan glances away for a moment, and laughs. "Yee," he replies.

"How long was I asleep? Because you just became a little more memey while I was gone."

"You're fine," Ryan says, and I sigh. "I do that sometimes, just an old habit."

"It's cute," I chuckle, and I wave him over so I can kiss him again. "I'm lying all the way down here, and I can't reach you!" I pout. "You're already tall enough as it is, come here!"

I pull him by the shirt collar, and he falls on top of me. The two of us share an awkward first moment, but the laughter comes soon after. Ryan puts his muzzle dangerously close to mine and whispers, "Is this close enough for you?"

I stick out my tongue, and it's all it takes to reach Ryan's lips. "I think so," I grin, my tongue stuck out.

He flinches at the flick of my tongue, but he recovers quickly enough to give me a lopsided grin a few moments after. He wrinkles his nose and gives me a slow kiss, and it explodes like Pop Rocks in my mouth. It's like fireworks, and my face goes red with how happy I feel right now. Our lips stay connected for what feels like forever, I can't even think about how tired I feel with this kiss. It's just... so amazing.

I pull away, even though I don't want to.

"What's wrong?" He asks, and his eyes sadden a bit.

"Uh, nothing, it's just..." I wanna avoid the question so bad, but it's hard to say no to such a cute face. But... Aaaaaaah... I groan and mutter, "You have to make this so hard."

"I'm usually known to be that way, yes," Ryan giggles. "But, uh... never mind, I didn't say anything." He comes in for another kiss, but I just push him away.

"Thanks, but... I can't." I roll over on the bed, turning away from him. "Not now."

Because living through it was already a hell in itself, but reliving it is just... I don't want Ryan to know, and I don't want him to feel bad for me. I just... I need to be alone.

"Why do you do that?"

I turn back around, laying on my side. "Do what?"

"Why do you act like this sometimes? Why do you get so close, but then push me away like I can't do anything to help?" He's sitting down at the foot of my bed, and he's playing with his fingers. "I've been through shit before too, you know."

Just Another Romance (A Gay Furry Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now