Twenty Years Of Existence

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Waking up feels even better than before.

When Ryan checked me out of the hospital the other day, we came home and I fell asleep right away. I mean, I didn't feel sleepy tired, but I just felt exhausted... I couldn't really help the fact that I ended up falling asleep on top of Ryan and become the dreaded furnace like so many before me. But me sleeping like a log is a once in a lifetime event, so I'm sort of glad that he didn't wake me up.

And the next few days were quiet, so that gave me even more encouragement to sleep. So let's just say that I slept a lot more than I really should have, and leave it at that.

When I wake up this morning, Ryan's sleeping peacefully beside me, his arms still stretched out from our cuddle session from last night. I can't help how cute he is, just look at him! Ryan's not the most muscular fur, but he has enough that he looks big and tough... it's kind of sexy, to be honest...

I hush any kind of perverted thought, because it's too early in the morning to be thinking like that.

Awwww, but he's sleeping so cute! It's not gonna hurt to play around a bit...

I go to reach my hand over to him, and maybe trace the outlines of his chest... and maybe I can pull myself a bit closer, just enough to entwine my legs in his... and maybe I can't help that a certain part of me is practically begging to be rubbed against his thigh, and maybe I can't help the slight humping motion I make with my hips...

But of course, I can't ever get what I want.

At exactly nine o'clock in the morning, an alarm goes off on my phone. And two seconds after, I let out a scream and fall out of the bed.

"Oh fuck!" I whimper, curling up into a ball. Adrenaline gushes through my bloodstream, and I just pant as the world's most annoying song plays on my phone.

Ryan grumbles something from above me, and I feel a paw land on the top of my head.

"What is that white noise...?"

"I think... it's..." I cover my ears and peek my head above the night table, and eye my phone conspicuously. With a quick swipe I snag it off the table, and read the alarm name. "Shit."

In the few moments that I say that, the song keeps on playing.

"Is that the Dora The Explorer song?" Ryan asks from the bed. "The one where it was Boots' birthday?"

"Yes," I groan. "It's a fucking birthday alarm, and I completely wanna forget it too."

"Who's birthday is it?" Ryan pokes his head from the side of the bed, looking down on me.

"Uh... mine."

Ryan's eyes widen, and he falls right on top of me. Immediately he starts cuddling me, smothering me with kisses, and I have to push his face away just to speak.

"What are you doing??"

"I'm giving my pup some birthday smooches!" Ryan exclaims, and leans in for another kiss.

"Woah, woah, woah!" I lean back, and he whimpers. "Please, don't do that."


"Make a huge thing out of my birthday!" I wave my arms around wildly. "I don't like it... I'd rather just do something small."


Ryan sits up, and runs to his drawer, throwing out pairs of underwear into the room. One actually hits my face, but I'm not complaining; it's one of Ryan's really cute boxer briefs, and I'm gonna wear it today, I swear.

Just Another Romance (A Gay Furry Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now