Recovery With Breakfast

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I'm awakened from my sleep because of an incredibly hot furnace. Even though it's rolling through October right now, it feels like it's in the middle of July. I try to rub the sleep away from my eyes, though it doesn't really work. As I roll around to get comfy again, I hear a low grunt from behind me, and I quickly realize what's making me feel so hot right now.

Ryan is snoring quietly, and his muzzle is mere inches from my own. His front had been pressed up against my back, probably all night, though he looks like the happiest person I've ever seen.

I can't help but turn red from the close proximity we are to each other. Everything seems to get hotter, including... something I'd rather not talk about. It also doesn't help that we're both shirtless, a fact I forgot about when I laid down on the couch with him last night.

A bead of sweat begins to roll down the side of my face, and before I can do anything to get out of this situation, Ryan's eyes slowly flutter open.

He smiles, and says, "Well good morning, pup. Didn't think you'd be up already."

"Er..." My blushing self can't even make a simple answer, I'm such a child.

Ryan leans a bit closer, close enough that our noses are almost touching. He probably doesn't know that the panicking of the voice in my head just went up an octave, but he asks, "Sleep good last night?"

"Uh... yeah..." I lean back a bit, my mind reeling from how close Ryan is. I can almost feel his breath waft onto my face, and his eyes are the only thing I can focus on right now. I haven't felt this way in forever... God, what's wrong with me?

"Good," Ryan giggles, and he sits up with a burst of energy. He rolls me off the couch, and while I flump to the floor, he runs off towards the kitchen. He slips on a shirt as he shouts, "I'm making breakfast!"

"Ow... okay..." I reply with a groan. After getting up from off the floor, I make my way over to the bathroom. Once I get out, I can smell something sweet coming from the kitchen.

Against my better instincts, I head back to Ryan's room, to grab my shirt and flannel; being shirtless right now has me too worked up. If I could just calm down a bit... ugh, it's no use. I'm too excited to calm down.

When I return, Ryan's just gotten done with a pancake. I don't even have to ask to sit down, since he's already pulled out a chair for me. I sit, and he places a plate of pancakes in front of me. Ryan runs his hand through my hair, and I happily gorge myself on breakfast.

He sits down when he gets done with his pancakes, though his are littered with blueberries. As he calmly cuts his pancakes into neat little cubes, he doesn't notice the ever slow-moving motion of my fork making it's way over to his plate. When I spear one of the cubes and snatch it back towards me, he gives me a horrified look and shouts, "Oi! That's my pancake!"

I stuff the cube in my mouth, and give him a sly grin. It's delicious, as usual, but my mind is more occupied with a comeback. "I didn't know you were British," I say with a snort. I start dying with laughter, because now his words are on repeat in my head, and it's the most hilarious thing in the world.

Ryan goes red, and covers his face in embarrassment. "I lived there when I was a kid, okay? My accent comes out when I'm mad." As if to make a show of it, he huffs and crosses his arms, his ears folding down in a shameful fit.

"I mean, there's nothing wrong with that," I add, taking another bite out of my pancakes. "To be honest, it's kind of cool... and adorable."

It takes a few seconds for the words to hit our brains, and soon we're both a blushing mess. "I-I didn't mean it like that..." If blushing could be vocalized, it would probably amount to the shakiness of my voice.

"Oh... uh, it's fine..." Ryan coughs. He scratches the back of his head and adds, "I've had people say that before, so... uh, I don't mind."

"S-Sorry..." I stutter. Why did I say that? Yeah, Ryan is... cute, but I've only known him for less than a day! Pull yourself together Mitchell, stop acting like you like the guy!

Ryan checks his watch, and his brows furrow. "Shit," he mumbles, and practically leaps out of his seat. "I forgot about work!"

The wolf dashes to his room, and in a matter of moments he's changed into some work clothes. By work clothes, he's wearing a rather nice white button up shirt and some black pants, along with some nice black dress shoes. "Not bad," I joke, though he's too busy rushing around to notice.

"Gah," he verbally vents his frustration when he can't seem to pick up his keys. "Come on, we gotta go." I stuff the rest of my pancakes into my mouth, and hurry along to the apartment door. "Come on!"

It's only when I'm in his car, watching out the passenger window as Ryan drives down the road, that I realize that I'm still with him.

"Um... Can I go home now?" I ask from the passenger seat.

"What?" Ryan shouts over the speakers. Jesus, he has the radio turned up way too loud in his car. He turns it down, and asks again, "What?"

"I was just saying, because..." I fiddle with my thumbs awkwardly, trying to get the words out. "I thought that maybe I could go home now. I've... been here too long already..."

"Ah." Ryan goes quiet, watching the road as he drives. "I don't know."

I give him a look. "What do you mean?"

"Well..." he says, trying to look away from my gaze. "I... I just don't trust you to stay by yourself. Not yet." He pauses, then continues with a sigh. "I don't get it. I... know it's a cheap way out, but why kill yourself? I can't imagine what kind of pain you have to feel to even think of doing that... and I know the bridge wasn't your first attempt."

He eyes my wrists, and I cover them up as best as I can. Usually I hide the scars with long sleeves, but I just have the t-shirt Ryan gave me. So I press my wrists into my thighs as hard as I can, and say nothing.

Ryan gives me a look filled with sadness, and keeps driving. "I knew someone who did it. Killed themselves. They got so worked up about being alone, that they never saw the people in front of them that actually cared." He turns into a driveway, and parks the car. "They never saw me... and they went to their grave with the thought that no one loved them."

Ryan sits there for a moment, and I'm not sure what to say. I can't tell him, it would only make the nightmares and attacks worse. But... another part of me wants to open up to him. I can't make up my mind, which way I want to go. Do I go ahead with my plan, and get rid of the pain? Or... should I stay with Ryan, and see how this thing rides out?

I don't get to decide then, and I sure as hell know I won't be able to decide for a long time. Because Ryan steps out of the car, and begins walking towards what looks like a restaurant.

"Come on, Pup, you're not staying in the car," he laughs, and rubs my head as I jog up alongside him. "I can't trust that you aren't going to try something when I'm not looking, so you're just gonna have to stick with me until your mind clears up. Hope you don't mind being a hostage, though."

And just like that, he drags me inside the diner without a moment's hesitation.

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