The True Horror

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I felt sick several times while writing this, so that should say something. So either it's just that all my thoughts were effective and I didn't put them to paper, or I did write them down and you're gonna end up reading it. Either way, fair warning.

"Hey kiddo."

I've been sitting on a park bench for the past few minutes, watching as the other children run around the playground. It's a little past midday, and I've already gotten too hot and tired to play anymore. Heh, there's even a cute little ice cream truck waiting just around the corner, with a perfect view of all the kids. Mom's run off on an errand, and the babysitter was meeting someone, so here I am. A ten year old sitting on a bench, hiding in the shade just to get away from the sun, with no one to talk to.

So you have to understand that when a man walks up to you and says hi, there's not much else an innocent and optimistic child can do.

"Hiya mister," I say cheerfully, giving a little wave to the man standing next to me. He's tall, and has patchy spots of fur all over him. Dark colored fur, the color of chocolate ice cream, perhaps.

"What's a kid like you doing out here on a hot summer day?" The man asks, and takes a seat next to me. I move over to give him some space, not afraid to make conversation.

"Just... cooling off, I guess," I reply. "I'm waiting for my mom to get back from doing some stuff, so... here I am."

"No one's watching you?" He asks, looking around warily.

"Nope," I say a bit too proudly, puffing out my chest.

The man, who I've come to guess is a coyote, laughs. "So you're a big boy, then." He digs in his pocket, and pulls out a fat wad of a wallet. He jabs a thumb back toward the ice cream truck at the corner. "I know your parents taught you not to take stuff from strangers, but... you mind if we got some ice cream?"

My brows furrow, and I turn away for a moment to think. Yes, he is a stranger, but... he's nice. Mom always talks about how children get abducted all the time, but people who do that aren't nice. They're scary, right? Is this man isn't scary, he's nice. Hmm... it's just for a moment, and it's only a quick walk from the park.

I'll be fine.

"Okay," I smile, and hop off the bench. As the man and I walk towards the ice cream truck, I don't even turn back one last time.

I should have.

We reach the truck, just a quick walk away, and the man raps on the sheet of metal that's been pulled down at the window. "Anyone in there?" He asks a little loudly, and it hurts my ears.

Another knock, this time much more forceful. It's scary, but... it's just a knock, you're fine, I tell myself.

He laughs, and pulls out some keys from his pocket. "I'm joking, kid, don't worry." He walks over to the back and sticks a key into the lock. With a quick twist, he adds, "I work here."

"Oh," I say quietly, and the fear fades away.

The door squeaks open, and the coyote hops up onto the bed of the truck. He hungrily smacks his lips, and turns away from me to the inside of it. His tail wags excitedly as he whispers, "There's all kinds of flavors in here! Chocolate, strawberry, mint... I can't even name them all!"

I'm drooling with each flavor he calls out, and I find myself slowly walking towards him.

"You should come here and look at them, seriously!"

Another step, and then one more. I can't see inside the truck at all, it's too dark to see. The coyote slides deeper inside the ice cream van, and I can only see the glints of the whites in his eyes.

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