Pictures, Popcorn, and Cell Phones

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The rest of the week is rather quiet. For the most part, I hang out with Ryan at work, sometimes getting in a good conversation with Sarah when I can. The fact that I still don't have my phone is annoying, but I make do with pieces of copy paper for entertainment.

At home, Ryan and I just lounge around. Sometimes we play a movie, other times we just sit and talk about frivolous things. Nothing ever serious comes up in our talks, though, and I understand why. I think he's worried that he'll say the wrong thing, and it'll set me off again.

To be honest, I feel the same way. There's something that I don't know about him, but apparently it had to have been about suicide. There's no way Ryan would get so flustered about me if he didn't have something happen to him before...

I feel like Ryan doesn't trust me as much now, especially after the argument we had the other day. Was it really an argument? We were both mad, just sort of about different things. Either way, I notice that the grey wolf has been sticking even closer to me than ever before, something I hate and enjoy at the same time. I appreciate it, but... it's so hard when you sorta have a crush on said guy.

"Pup? Where are ya?" I hear from down the hallway. Ryan's probably done with the popcorn, he said he would be making some for our movie.

"In the bathroom, just a second!" I take a deep breath, and let it out. "God, I don't know what to do..." I whisper to myself, and make my way back into the living room. Ryan's sprawled out on the couch, and he's made no room for me at all.

"Popcorn's ready," Ryan grins, and starts flipping through movies on his TV screen curiously. "Ugh, no one watches these hoes..."

"Uh, 'scuse you."


I point to his current position on the couch. "Where am I supposed to sit?"

He looks around a moment, a little amused. "What about it?" He chuckles, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing it into his face.

I watch a few kernels tumble onto the carpet, and I scoff. "First off, there's these little things called manners, use them like a big boy. Second, I gotta sit somewhere, and I'm not sitting on the floor so then you can throw popcorn at me."

Ryan thinks, and a little sly grin appears on his face. "Just lay down with me, you'll be fine." He shifts towards the back of the couch, and sits up enough that he'll be able to see over me. He watches with an ecstatic look as I turn away to blush. "I mean, you can sit on my lap if you want, that's cool too."

"Ugh, okay," I reply quickly, trying to wave off my blush. I settle in on the couch, with Ryan curled up behind me. And as soon as I get comfortable, the sneaky wolf slips an arm around my waist and pulls me in closer.

"Much better," he says softly, and curls up beside me.

"L-lets just watch this movie..." Why am I getting so nervous? I should be happy that I'm being cuddled by such a cute guy right now! Just... aaaahhh...

"'Kay, Pup, whatever you say." Ryan finally decides on a movie, something with Liam Neeson in it, though I don't really pay attention. I just focus on the attention that Ryan gives, from the oh-so-soft squeezes of his arms to the bit of nuzzling he does with his face. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.


My eyes feel so tired when I finally wake up. The movie's already been over for a long time, and Ryan has pulled me tighter towards him. We're practically one person with how close we are, as if every bit of us is conjoined in some way. I can hear his quiet breathing, a soft little wheeze as a tiny gust tickles the back of my neck. His face is pressed up against my shoulder, and I can't help but think about how adorable he must look right now.

As adorable as Ryan probably is right now, I also really have to use the bathroom right now.

"Okay... don't wake up," I whisper to myself, slowly rolling out of Ryan's grasp inch by inch. It's an agonizing process, but I don't want to wake him up either. So for a good five minutes or so, I either pry off each finger nestled in my fur, or move away a leg wrapped around me, just to make sure that he isn't bothered. When I finally get free, I turn around to face him. "God, you really do look adorable right now," I whisper, and a smile makes it's way to my face.

I leave to go use the bathroom, which takes much longer than I'd hope. I should not have drank all that Mountain Dew this morning.

When I get back, Ryan has shifted around in my absence, and I lay back down with him. He rolls around again, this time his mouth brushes right against my ear, and he barely parts his mouth to speak. "So you think I'm adorable?"

I give him a playful elbow, and reply, "Only when you're asleep. You look worse when you're awake." I'm lying of course, but he doesn't know that.

"Pshh, liar. I'm adorable all the time," he giggles, and pulls me in closer. "But in all honesty, you'd win the cute contest between the two of us."

"What? No!" My face turns a bit pink, and Ryan definitely notices this time. "I'm not cute!"

"Hehe, I think so. Come 'ere, let me take a picture of you." He pins me down as he reaches to get his phone, that way I can't escape.

"No you're not," I hiss playfully, and try swatting the phone out of his hands. Emphasis on try.

"Come on, Pup, I'll make you look even cuter." He pulls me in so he can take a picture of the two of us. I give up my protests for just a few seconds to let him take one, but he starts frowning after a moment.

"What is it now?"

"Damn phone ate up all my space," he growls, and tosses his phone to the other end of the couch. "I just wanted to take a picture of the cute puppy," he whines as if he's pouting. God, that's even more adorable.

I laugh, and poke his face with my nose. "My phone has all sorts of pictures of me, if I had it on me right now."

"Where is it then?" Ryan gives me a wide-eyed look, and rests his chin on my chest.

"Well... at home, actually."

He waits a moment before saying anything else. Ryan hops up from the couch, and rolls off with excitement. He doesn't even say anything as he goes to get his jacket, and I can't help but watch him get ready before responding.

"Um... where do you think you're going?"

"What do ya think, Pup?" He grabs a light black coat and tosses it to me. "Get dressed, I wanna see some cute ass pictures of you from your phone."

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