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"Hey Ryan! Do you... uh... is there any chance that you can, I don't know... you wanna hang out with me some time? Like, not in a weird creepy way, but just kinda go out and do something with each other. Like a date, but... ugh, do you just wanna go on a date with me...?"

I stare at myself through the bathroom mirror, trying not to sound stupid.

So of fucking course I sound stupid.

"Aaahhh, its no use," I frown, and throw my comb into the sink. I slip on some clothes that Ryan sat on the bed this morning, and try not to think about him. When I woke up, he was already out of bed, and a pile of clothes was waiting for me. I fix the belt loop on my pants, since it's twisted in some weird, ungodly way, and it's annoying as fuck.

When my belt loop is finally fixed, I walk out of the bathroom, and make my way to the living room and kitchen. There's a note on the refrigerator door, and I pull it away from the E magnet that's holding it down.

Why Ryan has alphabet magnets on his fridge, I have no clue. I read the note, disregarding the letter E that's now on the floor.

Morning Pup! I'm supposed to be at work a bit earlier today, but I get off at noon. You can handle yourself until then, right? There's bagels and cream cheese in the fridge, and the toasters in the cabinet above the sink, and don't worry about lunch, I'll bring it to you. See ya in a few hours Pup!

I guess 'Pup' is my nickname now.

I stick the note back onto the fridge, the letter E happily rejoined with its measly scrap of paper, while I go ahead and pull out the bagels and cream cheese.

"Now where is that toaster...?" It takes me a moment to remember that the note said where it was, and I snatch open the cabinet above the sink. "Bingo!"

I set all three items into the kitchen island, and plug up the toaster into the nearby outlet. I pop in the bagels, and get a plate out while it cooks. I snatch them out as soon as they're done, and look around to try and find a knife to spread some cream cheese.


A knife.

I search through each of the drawers, though I find nothing. My mind latches onto that word though. Knife. I know it's cold blade, it's weight against my wrist. Out of instinct, I scratch at the scars on my wrists, almost hard enough to draw blood. It's a good feeling, scratching the scars. It's almost... relaxing.

"Damn it, Ryan, where is it?" I growl as I feverishly search for it. "I just wanna eat my goddamn cream cheese in peace!" I can feel ulterior motives appearing in my mind, but I push them away. "Seriously! Where is it?"

At some point, I have the bright idea of checking the back of Ryan's note. There's a little bit added to the end.

P.S. I took away all the knives. Nice try, use a spoon ;)

"Fuck you, Ryan," I seethe through my teeth, anger leeching off of me despite the fact that I had been actually happy a few minutes prior. "I'll just eat my goddamn bagel with spooned cream cheese, then."


"I know I've probably said this plenty of times in the few hours you've been at work, but fuck you," I hiss at the dark grey wolf as he finally comes back from work. He has two plastic bags and a bin in his hands, and while I pace around spouting verbal insults, he struggles to close the door back.

"Can you spare me a moment and get the door?" He growls back, shifting the weight in his hands around to try and close it.

"Sure, I'd love to, but I'm still a bit annoyed by the fact that I can't spread my fucking cream cheese normally," I say, whisking my hands around like I always do when I'm mad. "'Sure, lets get a kick out of watching Mitchell spread cream cheese with a fucking spoon!' Yeah, real fucking funny, I know. 'Ooh, let's take away all the knives in the house because Mitchell wants to fucking kill himself! But let's not leave any butter knives, even though he needs it for a practical purpose!' Go ahead and make fun of me, just watch me suffer-"

"Mitchell." Ryan snaps, raising his voice over my own. He says my name with such a tone that it makes me almost shiver with fear. He looks at me, his eyes wide with regret at his surge of emotion. He sighs, and quietly mumbles, "Just get the door... okay?"

"Yeah..." I reply quietly, and close the door behind him.

Ryan walks to the kitchen sink, and sits the two plastic bags down on the counter. In a bout of anger, he shoves the plastic bin into the sink and knives fly out from it. That's where they were, then.

"Ryan..." I go up to him, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Are... you okay?"

He looks down at me, the glare slowly fading from his blue eyes. He takes a deep breath before he says anything. "Don't... don't ever talk like that again."


He turns around, and pulls me into a tight hug. Ryan rests his chin on mine, and the way he's breathing makes me wonder if he's crying. "I know you're a good person, I just do. And it hurts every single time you say or do something like that. And... I know it's only been a few days since we've met, but... I feel closer to you than I have most people." He tilts my chin up, and we make eye contact. Ryan is crying, his bright blue eyes stained with tears. "Please... you're not the only one who's hurt..."

"Ryan... you don't understand..."

"No, you don't understand," Ryan pushes me away, and he turns around and puts his hands on the kitchen sink. "It's easy for you to go around and say that you wanna kill yourself, but... did you ever think about others who care about you? What if... you left, and there was still someone who cared about you? How do you think they would feel?"

"No one cares about me, okay? I moved here because my family kicked me out, and I live alone because I don't have anyone else I can stay with. Ryan, no one loves me-"

I get a hard slap in the face, and I feel the heat and blood run up to my cheek. The sting comes a second later, and I put my paw up to it to cool it down.

"The hell was that for??"

Ryan finally turns around, and I can see the steady stream of tears that's running down the sides of his face. He rushes towards me and pulls me into a crushing hug. I can't help the tears that come from my eyes, something about all this is making me feel all emotional again.


"Don't say that... there are people who love you, even if you don't really see it yet..."

We stay still for a minute, letting our touch speak for itself. All I want in that moment is to stay in his embrace, and not have to worry about anything ever again. I just want to feel his warmth instead of being cold and alone.

When he goes to pull away, I tug him back. "Don't go. Not yet," I whisper. And it's the truth.

Ryan watches me as a smile crawls onto his face. "You wanna eat our food before it gets cold? Because..."

"Oh," I say, and let my grip around his waist go loose. After a moment I wrap around his arm, and nuzzle it affectionately. "I still want this though."

Ryan laughs. "That's fine, I'll just eat with my other hand." We walk over to the living room, and start eating our takeout on the couch. "I hope that helped, cause... I've got something planned for this weekend."

I take a bite of a sandwich and smile. "Oh really? What kind of plans?"

He boops my nose in a way that makes me blush, and he replies, "You'll just have to wait and seeeeee~"

Just Another Romance (A Gay Furry Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now