Just Go Slower

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I wake up the next morning feeling... bliss.

It's not the same bliss that comes from my nightmares, but rather a more... real feeling. It takes me a moment for my mind to remember what happened last night, but when it does, I can't shake away my smile.

Ryan must still be sleeping behind me, because I can feel his arms wrapped around me and his face propped up on my shoulder. His warmth leeches onto me, almost enough to make me sweat.

At least I didn't have the blanket covering me last night, or else I'd be a mess, I think to myself.

Ryan snuggles a bit more into me, and I can't even begin to think of how cute he probably looks right now. So I reach over to grab my phone, and I swipe over the screen to take a picture. I take a picture, and for a few minutes my eyes scan over it.

"You really are adorable," I whisper, even though I know he isn't listening. His face is even more adorable than I thought, and the little string of drool that falls from his mouth makes it even better.

While I sit there, awake and in Ryan's embrace, I think about what happened last night. We actually kissed, dear God. I never thought that he would actually kiss me on purpose, and not on a dare, and I definitely didn't expect it to be because he liked me. I blush when my mind comes back to when we got home that night, and some very inappropriate thoughts make me get very excited. As much as I love that feeling that was between us, there's still... something that's not quite right.

Don't get me wrong, I loved being in the moment with Ryan. Our heated kisses, our being almost naked with each other, and not to mention the fact that we actually were grinding against each other... it's great, but not right. I very much so enjoyed it, and I can't deny that, especially now that there's an obvious tent in my boxers now, which now I'm worried because Ryan's hands are this close to touching it.

So while I try and think of the best turn-off thoughts, I slowly shift myself so Ryan's hands aren't aimed at my crotch. It works, and I applaud myself as the tent disappears and my hormones are at a normal level again.

I let out a sigh, and then I realize just how loud that was. I mutter a little "Dammit" to myself as I feel Ryan shift behind me, and his arms loosen around my waist. I actually liked his arms tight.

He starts shuffling around again a little while later, and he groans when he can't find a good spot to sleep. I feel him turn me over, much to my surprise, and in a matter of moments I'm facing him again.

"Hey... Pup..." Ryan whispers drowsily, giving me a slight peck on the lips. "I missed you while I was asleep..."

I feel my face warm up again, and I snuggle into him more. I might have previously tipped off how fluffy his fur is, but he's seriously a winter blanket, he's so warm. I wrap my arms and legs around him, not caring how it looks.

"Aww," he coos, and starts raking his hands through my hair. "You're so cute," he whispers. He does this for a few moments, almost until I've fallen asleep again. I really do like the whole head massage thing.

"I know," I chuckle softly in response. "You said that a lot last night."

"Yeah..." Ryan goes quiet, and his face turns a dark shade of red. "I was... um... meaning to talk to you... about that... about last night..."

"Ryan, it's fine," I say quietly, and I wrap my arms around his neck for support. "I actually liked it, not gonna lie."

"Oh..." Ryan's face turns even more red, probably because he's thinking about how he was on top of me for most of the night. "I just... I didn't know how you'd feel about that first kiss, and then when you kissed me back I just went crazy, and I couldn't help myself when we got home because you're so damn cute..."

Just Another Romance (A Gay Furry Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now